Monday, November 21, 2011

The status quo is unacceptable (#1025)

If our society ever gets to the point of the status quo being acceptable it will have hit perfection. That being said, the status quo will never be acceptable. I won't even go into explaining how it is impossible for us to be perfect. It is hard not to laugh at the idea we ever could be. This is just reality and anyone who thinks perfection can exist, here in our existence, is in denial. So change is our purpose for living. The constancy of change is what we are all about. Finding new and different ways to support our lives in this existence. Now some may have ideas about what an existence beyond this one is like and that is something else. In this existence we are tasked with surviving and trying to do that surviving in a way that harms as few as possible. At least that is the common wisdom that we all should share. I know also that there are ones out there who have no such compunction, to our species' eternal shame. Regardless of the psychopaths/sociopaths, who have no emotional attachment to other individual's survival, we must remember that where we are now is just a snapshot in time and not our reality. Our reality is ever-changing and understanding how and why change occurs is our own personal duties. yes, we have a duty to society if we want the best of what humans can be to dominate our interactions. We are all responsible for correcting wrongs and maintaining what is right. As we maintain what is right we are also responsible for making what is right even better. Don't be confused by my terminology, right is good but it will never be perfect, therefore even right can be improved upon. What the history books will say about this time span in human development will be directly related to what we do with our duties and responsibilities as they confront us on a daily basis. What say you?

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