Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What is the priority, people or ideology? (#1006)

Is it what we think or what we are? For me it is clear, people are the priority, otherwise what is the point? Ideology is a method for understanding and working toward a governing societal structure. Whereas people are the point of having a societal structure to begin with. Our priorities need to be focused on people and what we can do to alleviate fundamental needs. Certainly a process for caring for the general health and welfare of our citizens can be structured without there having to be an ideology attached to it. Human instinct is sufficient to warrant the ideal of removing unnecessary pain and suffering. Once we have set about the generalities of a fundamental acknowledgement that values life of no harm above all other considerations and implement real solutions to approach the people first paradigm, then ideologies that move us from there can come about. The old argument that we all have natural rights is true. We are obligated in this existence to maintain a civilized manner for the regeneration of our species at a baseline fundamental level. Some do not agree with this ideal and chose only to grasp the realities in this existence with a mindset that only limits life to forces outside most people's control, which are incongruent with enlightenment and natural rights. Furthermore, it is incongruent with our own natural instincts of nurturing care and curiosity. Our species has survived with a will to exist and it is represented prominently by our history of surviving in the face of extinction. We have cared for our children in ways that reflect our natures by passing on knowledge and improving their abilities to survive in an easier manner. To regress from nurture and natural rights in favor of an ideology that resists generational improvements is backward thinking and antithetical to human progress.

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