Friday, December 9, 2011

Appropriately, forgetfulness! Make-up for day (#1042)

This is what happens when I put off doing something for too long, I forget. lol. On day #3 and on day #622 I also forgot to post a subject and now day #1042 gets added to an increasing list. Why did I forget? I tried to think of a subject early in the morning and nothing came to me, so I put it off for an hour or so and then didn't remember until later in the morning. When I did, I immediately did something else and all thoughts of my blog slipped out of my mind until first thing this morning. lol. I know better than that since I know how forgetful I can be. Normally, my mind is focused on doing this one thing everyday that it just becomes instinctual for me to write my blog everyday. Apparently yesterday proves that my instinctual ability to remember is only as good as how hard I try to remember. Oh well, it does disappoint me when I have a break in the chain but what it does also is remind me that I am not a machine and I am prone to being out of any sequence on any given day. I take pride in looking on the bright side of things because not to would be an awful alternative. Plus, who knows in the grand scheme of life maybe the subject of forgetfulness was supposed to be my subject all along and what better way of writing about it than when I am actually experiencing it. :) Anyway, this will be a good reminder that I need to keep my focus and my guard up if I want to accomplish a consecutive day posting a subject on my blog, then I had better find a better system to making sure that happens. I will work on that and in the meantime the disappointment I feel in myself will serve to keep me on my toes for a short time. I love writing everyday but I guess even that love of doing something gets sidetracked when life comes at me unexpectedly and other things dominate my thoughts. I am no different than anyone else and once again I get these little reminders to prove it.

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