Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The will to fight (#1041)

We are all faced with times in our lives where we must stand firm and defend our principles. Whether we actually do defend our principles is another thing. Just knowing we must fight does not necessarily translate into the actual doing. Here is the thing. All of us have to pass into a stage that requires us to make a decision to fight. it is a lot like enculturation toward independence. Hopefully early in our lives we will get the opportunity to test the mettle of our convictions. We cannot have convictions that are worthy unless we have at some time had to defend them. Now if it takes physically defending something we know is right or physically fighting to prevent a harm from happening, either way we will have to stand for what is right with force. In other areas like mental and verbal defense, we must also be prepared with the logic of our arguments when debate occurs. We can either describe how our convictions align with the vision we have for our species or we can remain silent and fail to defend, and lose by not defending that which we hold as true. It really is true for everyone, being silent is an acquiescence of agreeing by default. This life does not afford us peace of mind by not standing and fighting for our convictions. There is not always someone else who will do the defending while we do nothing. We are all obligated by our standing as individuals to enter into the discussions and actions that require our participation. All of us need to be accountable to express how we think and feel about whatever the subject is at hand. That takes a fighting spirit. Not as a bully but as someone who has something to say. It is our duty to contribute to our society and all of us must be informed and ready to offer our principles on all the ideas of the day. Freedom and liberty require us to protect our natural right to life and to pursue that which makes us happy.

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