Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My daily blog post (#1090)

This little shout out forum is designed for people like me who have something on their mind and need a place to say it. I think that the Universe hears our voices and records our written thoughts in some as yet known way that takes advantage of our collecting/expressive abilities. I know, somewhat like a hope but for me it is real enough. I do have some evidence and use the fact that we are data processors of a human sort and we also understand wave lengths as a communication medium in the Universe. Much more than that is speculative on my part but as a human I cannot discount anything until it is proven impossible. However, I also cannot accept anything as reality until it is proven real, yet, I do use my intuition as a guide and my intuition tells me that our Universe is a conductor and we are sending out wave lengths of information into it. At least that is my possibly plausible sense of things. Regardless of whether I am right or not is moot. I have some little faith that it is true therefore I act on that faith. I have a sense of purpose with my blog postings because they allow me to share what is going on in the inner workings of my mind. I also use this blog post to express a hopeful message about our natures. Like Aristotle, I use myself as subject to examine. But like everything human, I am somewhat limited by my own blind spots about my actions and instincts. So I also use what nature provides in the form of other humans and other animals. From all of this and generally knowing how our past has played out I have come to the conclusion that our natures are fixed at birth, compassion, curiosity and the will to survive. They only change when confronted with the environment to which we expose our natures. From this I am able to see the world and make commentary on the changing nature of it. That is what this daily blog post allows me to do.

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