Monday, January 2, 2012

Sequencing words with logic (#1067)

As more and more people find out each day, words used in a logical way make far more sense than words used illogically. Now, despite this, there are still far too many who do not recognize the distinction. Unfortunately, as long as words are used in a way that reinforce a belief system or coincide with ones passionate opinions, the logical usage of words is unimportant. This is unfortunate on many levels but most highly is in the disinformation spread and the lack of progress toward a logical conclusion. In reality, the process of determining an outcome comes first then the outcome can be understood. What we have a lot of today is an outcome already devised and a process, through illogic and confusion, formed to legitimize the aforementioned outcome, a cart before the horse scenario. What this does for those who implement such a strategy is to allow for a convenience which provides a windfall in benefit. The ability by some to actually succeed in this type of sleight of hand for benefit tells volumes about how gullible our society actually is. We are still in the era of the gawking bystanders who are intrigued by the carnival barker and fooled by the allure of our own desires despite the deep down alarm bells ringing in our ears. We seem to want an outcome so badly we are willing to suspend logic in order to gain it. An addiction to a way of thinking that is destined to destroy what we are in order to fulfill some fuzzy hoped for promise of betterment. It appears we are still in danger of being our own worst enemy in the name of ego and ego's demands. When we ever do find ourselves in a position of just living within our own reality in this existence, we will hopefully, with humility and curiosity, allow ourselves to just follow the logic first and then always try to improve the outcome.

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