Saturday, January 28, 2012

The slippery slope when caving on virtue (#1093)

By slippery slope I mean to say it is easy to continue down a path that is not quite right once you have taken a step onto it. Even though all your intuitions are telling you not to go there, you counter in your head that it is just a minor sacrifice and then dismiss your concerns. Then the next step is just as bit the little troubling you initially felt on the first step but you have already moved this way so you start to immunize yourself from your better and best senses and continue down the slippery slope until you hit another crossroads and find that you have given up too much in all those little steps that seemed at the time insignificant. The one time in all of our lives we should be the most cautious and stand firmly without moving is when we are dealing with decisions that affect how we apply virtue to our lives. What is virtue? "Virtue is moral excellence. A virtue is a positive trait or quality subjectively deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness."-Wikipedia. I am always forwarding that we have three virtuous human natures; compassion, curiosity and to a more singular purpose survival. Why I do this is to allow everyone to hopefully see that when we are newly born our natures are in their purest form. It is only when we grow and are inculcated into this current society that we begin our separation from our true selves. It is only by recognizing what is happening to us, that we are able to begin modeling a better system for inculcation into a more natural society. This is the whole and singular purpose of this blog.

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