Sunday, January 8, 2012

What I will miss about existence (#1073)

Eventually, all of us will succumb to death. The inevitability of leaving this existence is certain and therefore, while I am still here I would like to talk about what it is that I will miss. Loving someone who loves me is the greatest intimate experience I know of that I will miss. As like all things, it isn't the material objects or the momentary thrill they provide that I will miss but it is things of the heart that register with me as dynamics I cherish the most. I bring up the subject of what I will miss the most as a reminder to myself of what is really important in life. Vanity and greed have no place on my priority list. It is always about the special moments when a camaraderie of some sort has happened and the feelings from that which lift me up beyond all the other normally mundane and rigmarole of life. The better and best of our human interactions are the genesis of our species' worthiness. Beyond the expressions of my heart is the bounty of knowledge that I can learn and grasp and the unlimited unknowns yet to be discovered. I love the fact that we live in a spacial/time paradigm with no real understanding of our presence. It is like a puzzle with some clues for us to work on. I love working on puzzles, puzzles motivate me to think in ways I never would have without their existence. Loving and learning, helluva start. One other thing that is not usual as a missed dynamic but for me it will be missed, that being my dream world from sleeping. I can honestly say that there are innumerable times when I wish my dream world would be reality. I suppose my imagination is the cause but regardless, my dreams have given me so much direction in my life and so much hope as well. Enough for now.

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