Saturday, September 15, 2012

Convictions without facts (#1324)

I am aware that many people realize a gain in their lives by ignoring facts and truths. it is simply rampant in our society. When asked to prove their gain they simply say because it is true. I am not afforded that luxury. When I was young I used to base my convictions on my gut instinct for two reasons, first because it was easy to do that instead of research and secondly because I thought I was unique and therefore had a dispensation from the heavens to automatically be right about everything using my common sense. lol. I was young when this happened and when I was given my comeuppance I tried a new strategy, research. Since then I have guarded my opinions on things until I had enough information based upon facts and reality before I shared them. I learned early on it is not a sign of weakness to say "I don't know". My life is much more secure and confident since I have applied research to it. I can honestly say that I know a little bit about a few things. Not just intuitively, but factually. Big difference! I am not the only one who is applying research to knowing information but there are far more who don't and this is why I am writing about this today. Occasionally I run across someone who will go to great lengths to dispute researched information with little to nothing to back up their argument. They "feel" that they have the intuition to disagree with something solely out of their own logic. Like the world has suspended logical reason, analysis and conclusion in favor of something that can only be thought of as inexplicable. I suppose it is the whirligig of our own personal progressions through life, not unlike my own at a young age, however when it is an adult who cannot reconcile logic with research and with powers that can affect others, it is more than worrisome.

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