Friday, September 28, 2012

Trust your heart (#1337)

I can't tell you how many times I have been in situations where peer pressure has tried to influence whatever it was I was doing, yet I found that just trusting my own instincts, even more so, my own heart, to guide my actions. I even critique myself when faced with options and having acted on them. My critique is very principled and does not allow me much room to justify what I have done. Instead of placing all my options in the arena of logic and strategy, I yield to neither of those and instead yield to what my heart tells me. Not my emotion and natural desires, but the best of what I know is right or wrong. I have extended out beyond what is right and wrong in my past as trial and error learning experiences but not so far that my inner best sense of myself has been destroyed. I can't always vouch for myself when under the influence of mind-altering substances, which have a tendency to break down our best honorable intentions, but with a clear mind and choices to be made, I can say that my life has been closer to what my expectations are and were than not. I trust my heart to lead my life into all future acts because my heart is the greatest thing about me. I claim no exclusivity in this as I know I am no different than anyone else. But I do realize the significance of where my heart leads me and I follow it with my head held high. No regret or remorse for not doing what others think I should do, but great self-satisfaction in doing what I know is the best of me. I accept that what I want in this world will be shown to me through my actions and that is the wisest thought I will ever have.

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