Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Threading the needle (#1405)

How long does it take us to understand the world we live in? For many it never happens in their lifetime. They only get some of the picture and are just content to be confused about that which they don't understand. It is not from being able to comprehend how our society works, it is from some, a strategy of deliberate inaction on their part to make a society that helps all of it's citizens reach a threshold of knowing how the fundamentals of how our society operates. I believe it is because there are advantages for some and those advantages can lead to greater wealth and security. The fear underlining the advantages are enough impetus for those who have advantages to protect them for themselves. They also do not see the big picture of understanding our world. They know privilege and economic abundance but they do not know the simple joys of honor and selflessness. I am all for building things that create progressive opportunities, but these opportunities, while rewarding the creators, must also uplift and grow our world around us, including the ones who process the progressive opportunities. We are all human. We live in a world that provides sensory compilation. We have in common our five sensory retrieval modes, hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smelling. While we are also gifted with a mind, a mental processing laboratory, able to synthesize the sensed information with alacrity. We are not here for inanimate glorification, on the contrary, we are here to explore and experience our senses within the confines of doing no harm.

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