Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Still further to go (#1446)

I reach plateaus in my life but never end points where I can say I have done all that can be done. That is a never-ending, completely humbling aspect to my life. I know I can always get more out of myself if I push just a bit harder. It is fantastic that I know this. You will never hear me say that I did all I could do because deep down inside me I know I have more I could have given if I would have focused harder on whatever task I was involved in. What is so important here is that I never "arrive", which is the fallacy for many who think to themselves that they are "all that". No one is the superior to perfect, no one! Yet in our society we have the puffed up Peacocks who present themselves as such. If it wasn't so serious I would laugh but there is the problem, those that have the power and authority to continue to grow our society, display such disdain for the rest of us out or their own vain glory. We continue to muddle in mediocrity, while they continue to exist in fantasy. Yet for understandable reasons, our society of individuals continue to elect persons into leadership who are not qualified to be leaders. I say understandable reasons because I do understand why they are elected. They are presented as something they are not. Just because I understand this does not make it right. The lies and omissions of truth are a strategy for the powers behind these inadequate publicly elected officials. If ever you wanted to know if a candidate for a leadership role in our society is legitimate, just look to who donates to their election campaigns. Also look to their previous voting records and public stances on the policies of the day. Much more to be done fellow citizens.

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