Monday, January 7, 2013

The necessity of education to combat illogic (#1438)

I am at the precipice of my patience with some for their continued use of irrational philosophy for their personal and public idealism. In other words, persons who only see simple solutions to complex problems as absolutes. Even further, they do not think out ahead as to outcomes of their convenient solutions, or if they do they are either demeaning or ego-driven in their visions. If ego-driven then they still might be subject to rational logic, if demeaning, then they are soulless in their character and brutish in their behavior. The single greatest constant that may allow for comprehensive understanding of where we have been, where we are and where we are going is education. We must never stop the process of teaching what we know about ourselves and what we conceive because of who we are. Our future and the health of our species demands that we remain objective and raise the standard of understanding to all of our citizens. Too many of those who have influence in the shaping of our society have been afflicted with other concerns in their lives than education. They have instead gone the route of bartering as the greatest achievement society can prevail upon itself. As if the ability to exchange goods and services is to be prioritized over all of our senses. They point to the accumulation of wealth as it's goal, yet for more than 90% of us this is only an illusion. Yet the trick works because it promises a chance to "improve" oneself. They would be wrong! The act of education is the greatest achievement our species on whole needs to prioritize to the top. When we know of what we think and speak as greater than of what may fill our wallets, it is then that wisdom and intuitive creativity may fill our minds instead. We do not need leaders who can only see into their wallets instead of into a progressing enlightened future.

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