Monday, February 11, 2013

Do you see the future? (#1473)

I know I do and with me or without me it is still going to be one with smart technology and innovation. Those that battle to keep the status quo are only unsuccessfully striving to halt the inevitable. We are a species of change and that change comes in many forms. We do keep some basic principles like life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but we also expand on freedom and access to equal opportunity. Our life blood not only circulates through our veins but it also is in how we think about our past knowledge and the everyday new information that continues to accumulate. Our boundaries are limitless when we continue to move forward with some wise caution. Such is how we are. We are not a sedate species, satisfied with just enough comfort for some and not much at all for many. We must and will do better because our intellect and our caring, compassionate natures guide us that way. We nurture as a fact and nothing less than nurturing is our fate. So off into the future we go, trying to make our path the most efficient while including all of us on it. the Universe is ours to discover and explore and the best way for us to do that is for all of us to be a part in the discovering of it. Our practicalities will eventually be our guiding principles since we have yet to fully implement anything that could or would counter it. We do not need the fallacies and manipulations that we use against each other to continue, what we need instead is our strengths; such as our logic, our innovations and our understanding that we are not just a single species in this existence. The future holds a species that has a caretaker mentality with an adventurers spirit.

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