Sunday, March 10, 2013

Who knew? (#1500)

The little blog that could. 1500th post this morning and I am shocked that I have been able to continue. Happily shocked that is and in line with how I have been consistent over the last many years, unlike the earlier part of my life. Overall, I have missed on posting during this stretch of over 4 years, on three days, however the following day I posted two posts for that day to make up for the missed post the day before. Being sick had been the largest factor. Despite the few setbacks, I have been mostly pleased with how each post has been able to reflect the thinking I was going through each of those days. Like writing in a journal or a diary, this effort of mine helps me to know that a record of my thoughts on various issues is established, while I also allow for comments on my posts to anyone who wishes to add their thoughts on my opinions. Somehow I found through this a calming of the inner turmoil within me to be able to give my "voice" to things that matter to me. I guess for a truer understanding of why I do this I can openly say that it is a form of therapy that gives me a comfort from the chaos surrounding me in our society, and world at large. It is my bit so to say as a contribution to learning and understanding. I am by no means an expert on anything, yet I am keen on how living as a human being is much more important than living as a reflection of what one selfishly thinks is a human being. I make a firm stand on who I think all of us are through our natural traits and as well I give a verbal thrashing to those of us who fall far short of that with consequences that negatively effect us. When harm is done through ignorance or willful deception, no escape will be allowed for those who continue when confronted with their illogical thoughts and actions and the harm that causes.

1 comment:

Blissful Banter of a Creative Crafter said...

That's an admirable accomplishment Carl. To always have something of interest and usually with a fine moral undertone to write about is a wonderful feat! I look forward to reading the next 1500 posts. xx