Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My whole life (#1587)

I have never been comfortable with others telling me what to do with my time. Regardless if I do nothing, it is my time and for others to tell me to do what they want me to do is unwelcome. Now if I offer to help someone then sure tell me what I can do but if I haven't asked for advice on how to do a thing or not, I don't want anyone trying to direct me toward their intent. I have my own intent and for another thing I am as fiercely independent about my life as one can get. I have not even allowed myself to get married and be at someone else's beck and call because of my fierce independence. Now if the right woman does come along and I know that the love we feel for each other is mutual then I will sacrifice my independence for her and only then. So the fact of the matter is that those who have known me the longest shouldn't have a problem with figuring out my personality and it's character. It is the ones who don't know me as well as they think that are the ones who misunderstand who I am. Why am I such a independent soul? I suppose it is because I am the one living inside of me and everything I choose to do is my own responsibility. I like that I get to choose who I am and how I live based upon my own principles for living. Maybe I am a bit unique in that I don't want interference in my choices. I want to make my choices based upon choices not directions from others who are not the ones living inside of me. Anyway, I needed to get that out because it bothers me to think that the cavalier attitude by some is wholly expectant of me to jump when they speak their conclusions. lol.

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