Saturday, June 22, 2013

People who don't care about other people (#1604)

It is unsatisfactory that we raise up citizens in our country who cannot grasp the fact that they were raised up in a community of people. It is as if they have totally misplaced the reality of their lives and instead have replaced it with some version of a philosophy that values only certain things they find agreeable. It is absurd and frustrating to listen to some folks spew hatred along with disinformation and know that there is nothing that can be done about it at the moment. Somehow along the way these people have lost touch with remembering the big picture and instead have replaced it with snapshots of the little pictures they most desire to hold dear or burn to the ground. The old cutting off your nose to spite your face illogic. Our society is complex and can be shaped and sculpted to fit practically any narrative one would choose to express but the truth of the matter is that only one truth is actually real and ignoring what is real makes everything else less truthful. I am all about moving forward without dragging an anchor of lies and deceptions behind me. Life is too short to be playing games or being ignorant to reality that cause real harm and despair to others. I will always see our species through the lens of our logic, compassion and curiosity. It is what we do best as data collecting entities that then reason, analyze and conclude from such information. We are given mysteries all around us, in the air, below the water and the ground and out into the Universe. We have much to do while our species exists so wasting time hurting ourselves is counter-productive and certainly more in line with ending our species than it is in improving it. 

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