Monday, June 10, 2013

The trappings of family (#1592)

I do love my family but there are times when some of my family members are so out of touch with reality that I must let them go and move on for the sake of my own sanity. I have my life and as such I must defend the principles within my life even if it means not having previously close relatives in it. The old blood is thicker than water meme, is mostly true but in some cases the water is more important than the blood. I have friends who I wouldn't trade for the world and in my life they will stay even as I let family members go. It is hard at times and creates discomfort for others family members but the truth of the thing is more important than living a lie or remaining ignorant to satisfy someone else's view of reality. I came into this world alone and I will leave it alone and how I fill the time between is my choice and if I am a man of principle I won't let the feelings of others, who choose to feel the way they do, affect how and who interacts or participates in my normal life activities. I will be respected for my principled choices made out of logic and common sense and not through some duty I force upon others to give to me. If I am not allowed to think for myself and base those thoughts on equality, justice and fairness then those who would inhibit me need no place in my life. It is the way a mature person would react to family who use deserve and privilege as their cudgel in shaping other's points of view. The old paradigm of age and wisdom is still a factor but less so it seems when the age and wisdom relinquish little to be proud of.

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