Friday, August 9, 2013

It is easy to make excuses (#1652)

When I wanted something or I wanted to do something that goes against logic and common sense I usually could find a way to make an excuse for myself so that I got to do whatever it was that I desired to do or achieve what I wanted. Making excuses had become somewhat of a pastime not only for me but for many around me. Now I can say that I have restricted myself from being so selfish and now making excuses is not an option when logic and common sense dictate something different than my desire. I have given over my will on such enticements that caused me such dilemmas in the past. For everything has a cost and being illogical has a way of coming back, like Karma, and bite me hard when I least could be bitten. So making excuses is not a subject I even entertain in my mind anymore. I accept reality for what it is and move on from there. I may want to change reality and make life different in better ways but I cannot shirk the responsibility to recognize reality and move from that point. So no lying, cheating or stealing to obtain my goals and for that I am a better person. When I do have to make an excuse it is around the idea that I am asking for forgiveness for some failure on my part, not for some gain. I have found that there are no shortcuts in life, instead there is just doing things the right way and then moving on. Making an excuse should be hard and if it is then you know you are trying your best not to be selfish or to fail.

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