Sunday, October 6, 2013

The purpose of logic (#1710)

The purpose of logic is to either prove truth or disapprove that which is forwarded as a truth. Simple. Now there are some equations/problems where neither truth nor untruth can be proven. But for now it is sufficient to know that truths and untruths can be concluded from the utility of logic. This is why an objective mind has the greatest chance of finding truths in our existence while also being able to discard untruths. What is an objective mind? Objectivity is the usage of facts to reach reach conclusions. Facts are proven truths. Do you see a trend here? Notwithstanding our emotional bias, which allows for the lesser of realizations based upon opinions and emotions, which I also include belief systems, the term subjectivity is it's definition. Steering clear of allowing myself to fall into the subjective camp, I constantly question my own premises' in order to make sure my logic is based upon facts and not wishful thinking or bias. A premise is a logical truth in an ordered set of truths which lead me to a conclusion. Using logic to determine the outcome of great policy questions of our time is an imperative that is beyond quantifying. Yet today in our world we are stuck with the some lesser powers that be, thus unable to use logic as the proper fact finder of truth in all situations, and are left with lesser subjective arguments that are obscured to their illogical intent. No one is above and more important than anyone else so if we position ourselves to utilize logic as our highest equation/problem solver, we can thus become truly a species worthy of being not only the master of ourselves but the master of all that we are in existence with to date.

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