Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A prelude to throwing off tyranny (#1775)

I do this with my post numbers occasionally, I use the post number as a date in time, especially here for America. In 1775, not a lot happened as far as coercive acts by the British against the American colonies but rather the simmering of all the coercion and brutality perpetrated against the 13 colonies over the previous two decades had finally come to a boil. The forming of a continental congress has been established, less Georgia, an agreement had been reached to ban all British imports/exports and the slave trade had  been halted by 1775. The British empire was a strong world force but the distance that the British were from America served to help the colonialists decide to fight for our Independence. So as the thoughtful men and women of that colonial time girded their minds around the idea of Independence, there were still those Tories, faithful British subjects living in the colonies, who not only would have no part in overthrowing their King but worked opn his behalf to thwart Independence. Much like what we have here today in 2013 America, a party of people who do not see the better future of their countrymen as a goal but rather the benefit and privilege they receive in the status quo. Well enough of that perspective of similarities between the Tories and today's conservative Republicans, 1775 was more about assimilating the resolve needed to go up against the greatest force on Earth at the time, Britain, and know that there would be a cost that would have to be paid. Yet the will and resolve for the soul of those colonials who were oppressed to break out from that oppression was a greater that benefit far outweighed the cost in life to demand it.  

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