Monday, January 27, 2014

If it isn't one thing it is another (#1823)

I have no doubt we are all getting to be real experts at knowing that our problems or our successes are only temporary for the most part since they both seem to be just another link in the long line of chain that comes before us daily. In other words if you are happy now you may well be unhappy as well in less time than one would naturally think. There is always something changing or some new thing is about to enter our lives, good or bad. There will rarely be that moment when we can all just sit back and bask in the joy of our peace for any length of time we would delusionally expect. lol. Unless of course we understand that the time is going to be very short indeed. Seems like I run into this paradigm of something or another popping up to change the planned focus of my day. I may think I am in control of what I do but honestly, I am at the mercy of time and space and a planet filled with lots of people, places and things. I am still inculcating this knowledge within me since I do have the idea that I should be able to manage my own time with some sense of order, but always something happens to change that for me. But each day I wake up with the same resolve to have an order to my thoughts and actions while leaving open the now known realization that all my plans are just tentative at best and no expectation that they will remain unchanged enters my mind. There is hope that my scheduled plans will see fruition but never an expectation that they will. Life is odd that way, rarely allowing for me to find the comfort of control when life is actually much more like uncontrollable. 

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