Sunday, January 19, 2014

Positivism conquers negativism (#1815)

It doesn't always seem so that positivism conquers negativism but in the big picture it is true. The nasty and brutish controllers are far and few and the hopeful abound among us. Life isn't so regressive and so insufferable that we cannot see the good all around us. Our better nature often flourishes because we don't let ourselves give up what we know is right and good. Our characters are built upon what is possible instead of constant torment. While at times gnashing of our teeth is real, it is less an occurrence than the radiant smile we display on most days. Despite the continual attempts to dismantle the good and getting better that we envelope ourselves in, we roll up our sleeves and get to work defending and improving that very same good and getting better. Since the beginning of this blog, I have forwarded that we humans are a compassionate curious species whose will is to survive. Nothing in the nearly 5 years since I started this blog has changed my mind. My evolution to that understanding which moved me to start this blog has remained firm and constant. It is as if I have hit upon the final analysis to the question of who we are. The examples of which are multitude, yet nothing within the paradigm of humanity displayed has inched me off my understanding. Like King Solomon in the Bible is quoted; "There is nothing new under the sun". I myself agree that our natures are behaviorally predictable. From that I see, more of the good and better in life is being lived than the worst of who we are. Which allows me to conclude that positivism has captured our souls in general and diminishes the ugliness that negativism fosters.

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