Friday, January 31, 2014

We have corrupted the concept of value (#1827)

What does value mean to us in today's world? Much the same it did in our past unfortunately. We humans continue to place more value of things then we do on behaviors. Our idea of reward and treasure have more to do with objects and power over people then it does with selfless acts of courage and sacrifice. I personally have found that my better moments in life have always been when I have felt good about myself for doing something principally noble. I cannot say that I have had the experience of great wealth thrust upon me for some activity I participated in but I do know what it is like to have a feeling of complete peace and joy right down and through my marrow. The symbols of luxury are surely more pleasing than not having them but they are not what I live for. I am a rugged man who doesn't need to be pampered and showered with adulation. I don't need to have the shiniest and newest thing to make me feel like I am a worthy human being. I don't need to control the lives of others to satisfy some egoism that has clouded my mind. I am a content man who has the power and the will to be something more than a collector of resources, I am instead a collector of memories, that remind me of who I am and who I hope to remain. The good will that flows through me is only there because I care about others and put that care into action. That is value that cannot be bought or sold. My respect for anyone is always in the process of being earned and the earning of it from me is not in how much you have but in how much you have given.

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