Sunday, March 30, 2014

Liberation from our fears (#1885)

It's okay to know that you are afraid, it is not okay to stay in the fear once you realize it. I know, easier said than done, but there it is anyway. All of us honest souls eventually find out that anything in life worth having will always be hard so shirking off our fears is just another step in life we take. The importance of finding liberation from our fears is that it allows to be who we are instead of making us be who we are not. Fear is like that, it changes how we think and how we react. It diminishes our confidence and steals from us our courage. Fear does another horrible thing to us, it closes us off from our curiosity as fear most often shuts down our objective panoramic perspective to a shallow acceptance of something far less human in nature. We are not beholden to those who apply fear to our lives and treat us with the disrespect that is inherent within fear. We are all amazing data processors in our own human way and for those who would subject us to limited thoughts and actions I say shame on them and shame on those who allow themselves to be fear-mongered. I have lived in fear that my life would end soon and that I would offend someone who would make me pay for it with physical harm as well as social harm. But I grew up out of that fear and decided that living my life on my terms was more important than any threat I may perceive concerning my freedom to exist on my terms. I still have some fears I am fighting to overcome but the key is that I am fighting to overcome them, not cowering back and accepting my fate as a lesser than.

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