Saturday, April 19, 2014

Never sell your destiny short (#1905)

For the life of me I had no idea what my puny existence could ever mean to anything important in our world. I just assumed that I was just a mere speck who had to work at just being regular. For the sake of my own expectations, I knew I could do some good things in life but it seemed that reality wasn't going to let me have those opportunities. Just because things are possible, does not mean they are actually doable. Our society is so jam packed with people who are competing for the limited slots of influential positions in our society that can have an effect on life that many of us will always be left on the outside looking in and wondering what could have been. I had all but resigned myself to being less than my dreams and expectations demanded for myself. But a curious thing happened, I decided that my self worth was greater than my fears. I fought to educate myself and apply that new knowledge to my inherent good nature. Today I am a different man than who I was before embarking on a curious road toward discovery and for that alone I have achieved a level of my dreams and expectations I previously had little hope to attain. From there I have proceeded to occupy myself with the questions of the day to not only understand but to advocate for solutions to those very questions. I am in no position of influential authority nor am I considered a master in any field, yet my own sense of worth is high and where I cannot yell from the rooftops in the normal sense, I find ways to yell from the rooftops anyway. Nothing is a cookie cutter pattern for life. We take what we can do to make our own life better and then apply that to helping others do the same.

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