Thursday, April 24, 2014

Republican agenda, wealth for some, fighting and death for most (#1910)

Do you see how the Republican agenda leads to only one conclusion? They want the wealthy to get more wealthy while the rest of those who aren't wealthy are left to fight and die for what the wealthy allows for us. Once the wealthy have all the money they will next want all the land. That means wars and surely you must know that they will not fight the wars that will benefit them, we will. With few opportunities to live a life not filled with desperation, we will swarm to the military just as an option to get out of poverty. We won't have our government run by ourselves, the people, instead it will be run by the wealthiest souls who covet not only our obedience to them but they want us also to worship them as the narcissistic ego driven demigods they perceive themselves to be. The glorious ideals of equality, justice and honor will no longer be attributes of our society, instead it will be the laws of the jungle or of some warped interpretation of religion, whichever suits the new order rulers we will be subject to. Am I being brutish about what the Republican agenda is leading us to? I don't think so. If you logically conclude that tearing down the social safety net, eliminating laws that protect equality and voting rights while also downgrading to eliminating opportunities for education for all won't lead us to a world where the wealthy have all the advantages and privileges and the not wealthy are left to fend for ourselves, then my conclusion is not far fetched at all. If there is one thing I know about greed and power it is this, that everyone who is not wealthy is just an object for the wealthy to manipulate. Living in a world where Republicans control the levers of government is the final step to them disabling our democracy so that they never lose the levers of power again.

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