Tuesday, June 10, 2014

If you are afraid of living it is because you are afraid of dying. (#1957)

What gives us the courage to stand up for ourselves in the face of those who would put us down for it? Courage is what. How do we get our courage to arise when the time for courage is upon us? We pre-plan a lot of it. We imagine scenarios where our courage must engage otherwise something terrible will occur because we didn't exercise our courage. The key word here is exercise. Practice makes perfect as such. Courage begins in the smallest of ways. We take a stand on the little insignificant things like when someone is telling a racist joke we stop them or tell them that was wrong. It is in the little things that we find out who we are. I prefer to practice my courage on anything that gives the opportunity. As such with me, my courage consistently appears when honor or some high principle is being violated. I don't waste my courage on less than honorable situations. It is kind of cool that I have a boundary that is not worthy of crossing and it is kind of cool that I even care to think strategically about it. My life isn't full of "I don't cares", instead it is full of I care and I will stand up for my cares. I paint a bulls eye upon myself because of it but regardless I have chosen to be the man I want to be and that is what I will be come hell or high water! I know the unknown about life and our Universe is enough to make us throw up our hands and just sell ourselves out to not caring about anything beyond ourselves, since we live just a short span of time, but there is no courage in that and living with some courage is much better than not for me. I want our society to succeed and hopefully the intelligence, and the enlightenment we obtain from that intelligence, will somehow allow us to slow down or even stop time long enough to travel our universe with extreme efficiency in order to unmask what it is and what we are doing in it. Courage will hopefully get us there because without courage we will surely perish.

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