Sunday, August 10, 2014

The lack of courage is underwhelming (#2018)

Maybe I am just having a bad day but it seems that too many people are too easily scared from what they know is right. It is like political bullies know they can avoid facing the consequences of their acts simply by scaring the electorate. It is troubling that the media is as gullible as the scared ones in that too many in the media portray this scaring tactic as fact instead of what it is, bullshit! The human experience should be about empowerment, not about cringing. I have had enough of it and will not tolerate it in my presence. I cannot teach anyone how to be courageous but I can call it out when I don't see it. We are better than this and the bully politicians, which are mostly all front and center in the Republican party, need to be confronted everywhere and every time they show the audacity to force us into not doing what is right. Bullies are really cowards so when we give into a bully we are giving into cowardice. Not a welcoming thought is it. How does that play out as an example to those who care about us and who look to us for guidance? It is time for all of us to recognize when we are being used against our own interests. We are not dummies, but we need to show more courage when the time for courage is needed. I know my vision of our species is not wrong. There are too many examples of folks who have proven their courage in the face of overwhelming loss. I know that is the case for all of us when we are at our best. There is nothing in this Universe worthy of taking from us our right to be who we are and in that being who we are we is magnificent. Never should we abdicate our amazing abilities to make a better world in the guise of being forced from that making the world better. It is time we put the bullies, especially the Republican party to rest. They deserve nothing more from us except our utter contempt and our determined will to shut them down as anything more than a sniveling greedy group of cowardly thieves.

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