Friday, September 19, 2014

A comprehensive strategy (#2058)

Being able to put all the pieces together in a way that solves problems is the cure against those who ail us with their chaos. What do we have in common that keeps rationality and enlightenment as our beacons of the future? It isn't hard seeing problems arise, what is tough is being able to do something about them when they do. It takes a vision of what is right and good to start and then the hard work to include everyone in the solution. Surely that is the ideal and not as much reality but we do achieve most of that when we put our minds to it and act accordingly. Our species is far more likely to do the right thing, when given the opportunity, than to do nothing or the wrong thing. It is in our natures to fight for the better and best of what defines our communal purposes. Having the wherewithal to establish a foundation from which to build from is the hallmark of an exceptional mind. We have as our current president someone who can meet that challenge and it is quite impressive to watch the results of his careful deliberation. We have had too many who are quick to draw their conclusions and responses without weighing all the factors involved with their decisions. Our American and world history is littered with the disasters of that type of recklessness. So for us living in this particular age it is satisfying to see a leader who is calm and deliberate give much needed gravitas to his decision making. I will say this now that when he leaves office, Barack Obama will have given us a special 8 years of observing him tirelessly working to include all of us in ways that would leave a lesser man broken. Being able to navigate existence in the larger context while also creating helpful policy in the day to day context is what we all should strive for. While we have 2 years left in his presidency, wouldn't it be extra special if we gave him a congress that didn't fight against his very existence but a congress that actually worked with him to do great things for our country and the world in general?

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