Monday, September 22, 2014

Democracy is our greatest societal value (#2061)

If you take democracy out of our society our society will likely become a plutocracy. "Plutocracy: A country or a society governed by the wealthy"-Google. We are not there yet but don't think for one second that the wealthy wouldn't like it to be. They have been systematically destroying our middle class so that they can control the means for production and the profits that come with it. With constant attacks by their chosen party, Republicans, they have been on a mission to destroy worker rights by vilifying and eliminating unions wherever and however they legally can. They have been relentless in their stubborn opposition to raising the minimum wage that helps most of our working class come out of poverty toward a middle class lifestyle. What is most egregious to me is that they have focused so hard on rolling back free and easy access to the voting booth. This is how they make their political gains, They make it hard for we of little resource to qualify to vote. They do it by making only certain types of identification acceptable for voting. Consider this, most gun rights advocates can vote with the usage of a gun permit as their identification, while most students cannot use their college identifications to vote. The reason being is simple enough to comprehend. Gun permit holders are more likely to vote for Republicans than students with college Identifications.Also, for hundred's of thousands of folks having to pay money to get their birth certificates in order to then have to spend precious money to go get their new acceptable forms of voting identifications is much more difficult when money is so hard to attain for the poor. What hurdles are there to be overcome just to vote, becomes lost on them when the money should be used for the continuing need for necessities. Republicans are all in to deny poor voters their voting franchise and the help they get from the conservative majority US Supreme Court is despicable and outright an attack on the democracy. 

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