Friday, July 28, 2017

A returning of the tide? (#3101)

     Early this morning the Senate tried to destroy Obamacare and came up one vote short. That it was three Republicans who made it possible for the destruction to be one vote short is the surprise. Republicans have a 52 vote majority in the Senate so losing three votes was one too many. Democrats were sequestered out of the process so there would be no votes from Democrats to make up for the three no votes from Republicans. It is fitting that the man who did allow for the whole process to go forward two days ago, John McCain, was the crucial unexpected third vote that doomed the process in the end. So as I see it three critical Republicans stayed the advance of the destructive policies of trump, mcconnell and ryan.
     This was a devastating defeat to the forces of upheaval and disruption and instead becomes a glimmer of hope for the rights and dignity of the American people. Republicans have been on a mission to deny equality, fairness and justice as equities of value and early this morning their agenda was stalled. That Republicans control both houses of Congress and the Executive branch was still not enough for them to take from the working middle poor class and give to the wealthy. Somehow Republicans have figured out how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. That somehow is their arrogance and unrelenting march to destroy lives and steal hope. I don't feel so overwhelmed with a sense of gloom and doom this morning and instead I am beginning to sense a moderation of the vindictive policies of the Republican leadership.
     The worst of what could have happened didn't happen early this morning. Not to say that it still couldn't happen through some smoke and mirrors down the road but for now the forces of resistance to the dictator like actions of Republican leadership have triumphed. It may now be possible for other Republicans to find the courage to stand up to leadership within the republican party and say enough is enough. Just maybe the tide is beginning to roll out now and with it hopefully the policies of hate and greed. I cannot say enough good things this morning about Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and the man of the hour John McCain. These three Republicans have shown that the better of our natures can be overcome in the face of bullying and coercion.

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