Monday, July 31, 2017

Knowledge is always superior to ignorance (#3104)

     Are we not seeing this play out now in our national politics? The ignorant have the advantage for the moment but like all those who are ignorant they are finding that leading is impossible. Leading takes wisdom and experience with a whole lot of logic and common sense. None of these paradigms are components of ignorance. Ignorance is the inability to be rational about changing facts and truths. The inability to adjust one's ever changing comprehensive knowledge to evolutionary events is at the heart of ignorance. Knowledge on the other hand is a capture of intelligence in a way that produces new and more effective understandings. Whereas ignorance denies reality at it's most fundamental appearance, knowledge seeks it out and embraces it.
     There is one thing that ignorance does for us in lieu of killing us off is that it shows us just how ridiculous and embarrassing it can be when applied to leadership. Who would have thought that we would need this lesson? I wouldn't have in a million years. That we have to explain the more than obvious differences between being an enlightened person and an ignorant one is confounding. Yet here we are doing exactly that. So despite the confusion about why one would ever choose to be ignorant over intelligent, we are at that crossroads. Apparently in the ignorant world we don't have to think for ourselves based upon the concept of existence. We pretend that we are dreaming and then only allow that which we the god of our dreams will allow.
     Well if the ignorant want to choose to be dreaming or in a coma so that they can live the alternative life in some dreamscape then that is what they should do. However, walking and talking in the real world like they are still dreaming their fake world is where we are at. I have tired to use logic and common sense on the ignorant and much like the parable of throwing pearls to swine, the response is similar. So how do we weather this irrational reality we are living in? By not losing focus on our own knowledge and making sure that the ignorant are exposed for lacking the leadership needed in a real modern comprehensively enlightened world. We must keep our heads up and our eyes peeled so that we don't follow the rest of the ignorant as they steadfastly head for their inevitable, metaphoric, drop off the cliff.

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