Monday, July 24, 2017

The dissolution of American Democracy (#3097)

     The American way of life as seen through the lens of trumps is a disturbing one. Not only do they not see the melting pot that we are but they don't see fairness nor justice as being served in equal measures to all. Our American way cannot even be called democracy anymore since advantages and privileges are taking rights away. How often are the republicans conjuring up ways to deny American citizens fundamental rights? Every day it seems to me with denial of voting rights and subversion of laws and practices that benefit all. How republicans have taken the rights of women and subverted their authority over them is disgusting and repugnant. Now I use demeaning words to describe the acts of republicans but these words are not sufficient to describe their inhuman undemocratic philosophy.
     I will not even try to understand the republican concept of concluding since it does not square with logic or common sense. It is brutal and dominating as a rule and allows them some sort of ego boost that fuels their confoundedness. We are in the middle of a crisis here in America, at least to those of us who are defending democracy as our most cherished principle. The republicans are not satisfied with equal rights for all instead they are only satisfied with more rights for themselves. They care not how they get power as much as they care about having it. The republican party will lie, cheat and steal to win elections and if many of us are right they will also commit treason. Yet they have their delusional base who cannot fathom past racism and misogyny to be assuaged from their idolatry of republicans.
     Even evangelical leaders are swept up in the racist slogans of cleansing rhetoric as a call from Christ to follow the republican agenda at all costs. They have wrongly managed to form their belief to an afterlife that is directly linked to a salvation covered in the blood of the unclean. Yet in their fervor for an illusory ideal of their own making, they have fallen outside of what love and peace may accept. What the factions that are aligning with the trumps and the rest of the republican party all have in common is a lack of empathy for all and the disdain of others who are not them. Democracy is based upon equality and if we here in America cannot accept equality above all things then our form of democracy is an illusion that will eventually disappear into thin air.

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