Saturday, September 9, 2017

Resistance resistance resistance... (#3144)

     "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you get what you need".-Rolling Stones lyric. I am often reminded that I rarely get what I want but I do seem to do okay in the meantime. However with our current politics I cannot say that with any sense of confidence. But there is a reaction I have at most everything that is being tried by the trumps to destroy our democracy. I resist. I will not ever accept anything less than positive for our society. I will not! Now I can't legally stop the majorities that the trumps have to do their dirty deeds to us Americans and the world at large but I can scream at the top of my lungs the method and the intent of their destruction so that all can know what they are doing.
      There will be no hidden attempts by them to slide their corrupt agenda under the radar of the national electorate. There filthy contempt for the American working class will be exposed for its deviousness as long as I live. Now I don't expect that once they notice me that somehow I'll be around much longer if they think my vitriol at them may be detrimental to their cause to make the wealthy the only worthy class of privileged citizen. I put nothing past those who are on a single mission to disenfranchise and discount the masses as nothing more than cannon fodder. Death to the masses and condescension are traits reserved for republican politicians. Control and power are republican goals and nothing will get in their way not even treason to the stars and stripes.
     Money is not speech and corporations are not people but unlike reality, the republican majority supreme court has decreed it so. Well the republican dominated supreme court is wrong and not only that they are disappointingly unwise. They let their own greed and their own lust for power to drive their thoughts on what can be twisted into law, as long as it fits their narrative. Much like forcing a round peg into a square hole. Never in my life had I seen such a total lack of intellect from an independent branch of government until the trumps. The arrogance it must take to bend logic into a pretzel all the while not fooling anyone and still be so pompous. Resist resist resist.

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