Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Confounding the republican threat (#3190)

     I don't worry about foreigners coming to our land here in America to destroy us. I worry about the right wing racists here in America destroying our nation. They are here now and are doing their best to dismantle all that we have struggled to attain over the last century toward perfecting our union. For the life of me I cannot fathom how they accomplished the power grab in our nation's capitol but it has happened and the window for us to reverse that power grab is still another year away. So in the meantime we must use every ounce of energy we have to obstruct and stall the republican attempts to cause suffering and inequality to working middle poor class citizens.
     There are many more of us than them so all we need to do is engage in the voting process. I know that republicans have made it hard for us to vote and win but we have to find the path to registration and then actually voting if we are to make this current nightmare end! There should be no other greater priority than for us to get our right to vote established and then be prepared at all costs to use it. Nothing should be as vital to our health and welfare as our vote. So stop being cavalier about not caring to vote. It is vital to our continuing democracy and the continuing modernization of our society. Remember, America has always been the great melting pot of the world where all can come and be part of creating the greatest society human history has ever developed.
     We are not racists here as a rule. We have some that have hijacked our politics for now but if we would just focus on getting them out we can then focus on other important issues that don't require us having to beg and plead for our lives. The republican party has become the monster that we thought only existed outside our shores. So the battlefield is here now and if we don't prepare ourselves by arming all of us with a right to vote we will find that that right to vote will also not be available given the republican history of disenfranchising voters. Nothing is more important if you are of age to vote. Nothing! Work, partying, sports and games are all irrelevant if we become servants of masters who despise us when we weren't paying attention.

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