Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Honesty is always the best policy (#3176)

     I have come to this conclusion after many years of struggling with it. Because there were some times where the truth appeared to do much more damage than an omission. Yet, that damage was not mine to decide. I cannot understand every future implication that comes from lying or omitting the truth of something. I have to trust that the truth is what we all need to be able to decide how we next act or think. It is on us each individually to decide how the truth is received as opposed to not knowing the truth and acting and thinking without the fact of the truth. I am not a god nor a wise enough man to ever be able to distinguish the best for all. I have to trust in the truth to help us through life.
     Yes, even when the truth is incredibly difficult and harsh on us. We must take it for what it is and then choose to do what we must. Our society is a jumble of mixed up scenarios and no one, and I mean no one, is immune. We all have our harsh realities that we wish were not true but nonetheless they are. So how we next move forward should help us change the dynamics of what caused our awful truths to be real. We cannot change that which we are shielded from knowing. We are sensitive creatures all of us in our own ways but despite our sensitivities we need to gird up our defenses and accept reality as it is and then move forward into a better world if we should so choose.
     We may all be sensitive in our own ways but we are also strong as well so the truth should if anything make us more purposeful about what we do with our lives and give us the necessary knowledge to grow from it. We are better off living in our reality with all the truth and not just most or some of it. The truth of things reveal all our scabs and warts and that is real, not some fantasy that has no defects. How much better would all of our lives be if others would just quit trying to shield us from what is real. We need to know how to begin our lives and if our lives are built upon lies or omissions then we will never reach our true potential. I accept facts and truths on face value no matter how embarrassing or shameful they may be. It is then that I can go about not repeating the embarrassing and shameful realities. If it is honest then it is real.

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