Thursday, November 2, 2017

Science, the building blocks of life and existence (#3198)

     When we all get to the point where we agree that knowledge is our friend and the lack thereof our enemy we will find that our commonalities will dominate over any of our differences. We will all be invested in the same core understandings and connectedness. Science is the future of our species and if we can find our way toward embracing it above the awkwardness of our fears and trepidations we will finally grasp the mantle of a superior species. Until then we are just struggling against the nature of antiquity and the failings that always inures. Yet we do have the fortune of having evolved into the enlightenment of thought and reason. Our minds are adept in their abilities to not only compute but to memorize and store comprehensively.
     Our bodies are of a design to allow for practical and useful movements. We can use our mobility to understand our current geographical unknowns here on Earth and with scientific applications can now advance off our planet toward other objects in our near universe. We have used science to give us wings where only the birds knew of flight. We have also mastered propulsion so that the lack of oxygen in space is overcome with ingenious methods of preservation. Science allows us to further the vast sum of knowledge we have already acquired. Our abilities are being expanded because we value the methodology of the scientific experiment. Even with the most basic of proofs of mathematics and physics we are now able to project our species out beyond the only home our species has ever been recorded existing.
     Science does this for us where no other form or paradigm has before. In our conscious state we are a species to behold. With our biological sensors of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell we can interpret objects and subjects with relative ease. I have been saying this since I started this blog many years ago, we are biological probes with onboard computers with memory, reason, analytics and the ability to conclude. We are already what we are trying to devise in mechanical form. The blueprint is there for us and science will help us to create these mechanical devices as forerunners to discover that which is still unknown. Much like the mechanical probes we have sent out into space to record the workings of our universe in ways we are not able to do for ourselves, yet.

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