Saturday, December 23, 2017

America's infrastructure isn't the only thing crumbling so is our political process (#3249)

     I am not saying anything new here but that I am saying it is an important thing. It cannot be stated enough so that as many people who don't know it hears it and says to themselves this is wrong and I must help to correct this. Last election cycle in November 2016, 46.9% of eligible voters did not vote. Did you hear me? 46.9% of eligible, that's those who are registered and able to vote, did not vote, Now we democrats are the only political party that is trying to register new voters and we have done a reasonably good job of it given the obstacles to voting the republican party keeps erecting. Yet when almost half of registered voters don't bother to vote that appears to be only half the solution. We need to help them understand why voting is essential to their lives.
     Well we democrats should have no problem now giving examples for the necessity to actually vote. With the trumps and most all republicans legislating policies that hurt the majority of us while giving much more to the wealthy should serve as a catalyst to get registered voters to vote. Make it personal to them and they will respond. We are not talking about hypotheticals or inconsequential actions by republicans, we are talking life or death decisions that negatively affect most all of us non wealthy. So making our points about how this has come to happen and the complete culpability of the republican party is how we do this. If our democracy is to survive all of us need to help to revive it. The revival is in voting so if we vote against those who are robbing us of equality of opportunity, fairness and justice then we will begin to reverse the physical and the intellectual crumbling of our nation.
     Much damage will be done to our democracy by republicans before we can excise them from our politics and that is unfortunate but before too long we will be voting again and this time there cannot be 46.9% of us eligible voters not voting. There has to be close to all of us voting if we are to create the type of democratic wave needed to arrest the republicans from doing anything more to harm our nation after November 6th, 2018. The republican party has given us the impetus to rise up and vote them out and we must do just that. If not we will suffer far more than we need to given that we know republicans will keep destroying everything that is not a benefit to the wealthy. We democrats are a mighty force for democracy and for the working middle poor class so get informed and make sure that when the voting time comes you are part of the great democratic wave that crushes the greedy thieving republicans from public office.

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