Friday, December 1, 2017

Republican party, lying is okay, child molestation is okay (#3227)

     How can anyone who is a republican hold their head up and be proud? I suppose when you have the morals of a psychopath it is possible but for the rest of us who have a conscience this is not only criminal but it is morally bankrupt. It used to be a well known fact that we lived up to our values as a prime example to teach our children what it is to be an honorable humane person. But it seems that republicans don't believe that being an example of what is good about our species is of value. They seem to think that fulfilling their own needs and desires trumps all that is respectful and dignified with the rights of others in our society. It is as if they see themselves as little gods who are not subject to the same rules as others who are not them.
     They justify their actions and beliefs with anything handy that confuses or misdirects from their behavior. Even bastardizing religion to fit their narrative. What is most shameful to me though outside of the lying is their penchant to satisfy their abnormal attraction to children for sex. It is a demented mind that lets the lust of one's thoughts actuate into action where stealing the innocence of children through power and sex is acceptable. Yet the republican party condones this demented behavior and even defends it through a disgusting interpretation of religion. That we live in a democracy where the rights of all citizens, young and old are protected, religion is not the arbiter of those rights. Our laws are and no amount of justifying molestation of minors is acceptable despite claims of religious approval.
     Is the hatred of knowledge and an enlightened mind so terrible that we have to destroy intelligence to make ourselves feel better? Is it really the goal of the purposefully ignorant and lazy wastrels to drag intelligence down to our lowest common denominator so that they can feel better about themselves? Instead of picking up a book and informing themselves they would rather burn all the books. So that we fall back into a society that does not protect all of it's citizens but instead leaves it's citizens vulnerable through a survival of the fittest policy to fall prey to those whose conscience is lacking in empathy and remorse. The republican party is the worst of who we Americans are and their attempts to overpower our democracy so that they can continue to lie without consequence and molest and rape our children is abominable and must be stopped or our nation will fail from within.

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