Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Upset in the making? (#3238)

     That we even have to call this a possible upset is mind boggling. Based upon the fact that the republican party is running an multi accused pedophile and US Constitution destroyer it seems ludicrous that this republican is still the favorite. It says more about Alabama, its politics and it's citizens being closed off to moral and enlightened thinking than it does about the good man running as a distinguished democrat who fought against the workings of the KKK in the judicial system. Be that as it may however, the idea that this deep red state would elect a democrat over a republican given the current voting traditions there it is encouraging that Alabama and its voters may well give the majority of their votes to the democrat. How those votes are tabulated is now in question given the late night decision by the Alabama Supreme Court to stop recording paperless ballots for double checking results.
     Yet despite that little twist the voters of Alabama may be ready to shirk the republican party for having gone too far in nominating a candidate so full of the bad behavior and democracy destroying thinking. A win here for democrats would be monumental. However even if the democrats and Doug Jones loses it is still a victory of sorts in a couple of ways. First it will be a close race and that in itself is a victory given the large margins attained by previous republican candidates. Secondly though is the appearance of the republican in the senate if he wins. Given that and the anti-republican sentiment now it would further strengthen the case for a democratic wave in the 2018 elections. Most every democrat would be campaigning against the republican perverted party and their proof of the perversion would be the new republican senator from Alabama.
     So either way it is going to be a good night for democrats. I would prefer that the democrat come out with the win and keep our senate from being further polluted by the republican party and as well take a seat that republicans desperately need to keep. But if not the election in 2018 may well be one of the most lopsided democratic victories in recorded history. The republican party has done this to themselves by standing with the dirtiest of politics while advancing legislation that hurts the most people. If republicans feel that kowtowing to the wealthy is their only goal they will soon find out what we all know, the wealthy will survive with or without them but the republican majorities will not when the voting time comes around in November 2018.

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