Saturday, December 30, 2017

We all need some validation but do good to get it (#3256)

     That in a nutshell is the problem with trump. He could have fulfilled all his delusions of grandeur simply by doing right by the American electorate. But instead he has chosen to all that is wrong for the American electorate and he cannot understand why we hate him for it. He could have been beloved if he had chosen to do the opposite of what he has done. He brought all his own shattered dreams of being heralded in a positive way on himself. I do not feel sorry one iota for his personal tragedy but I do feel bad for us Americans who are left to bear the brunt of his insufferable decisions. So on it goes with him making devastating choices to harm us while he his ego continues to be unfulfilled.
     He has crossed the Rubicon River as did Caesar so there is no turning back for him or for us when it comes to redemption and forgiveness. He has wielded his reality on us and he must be punished for the cause and its effects. He has lost his chance to be stronger than he is himself by absorbing our strength for him to lead us as he could have. He chose the wrong fork in the road and we are now somewhere else other than where we should be. Even if today he reversed all that is possible the damage has already been done. He cannot now change his confirmation for the Supreme Court. He cannot undo the effects of the horrible tax giveaway bill he signed into law. He cannot undo his associations during the election campaign that have the stench of colluding toward treason.
     He is left with his validation from us today and it is of a negative nature. He will forever have to live with his shame and guilt if it were possible for him to feel those emotions. He can feel his narcissism so maybe he isn't completely immune to emotion. I personally need to be validated from time to time but I do it by helping others somehow and not myself as a rule. My validation is when someone says thank me for doing something I didn't need to to for any other reason than to help another human being. I feel validated as a human being by being a human being and letting my compassion and curiosity flourish. I rein in whatever ego I have and remember how fortunate I am through the good deeds that were given as a gift to me. Oh if only trump could understand that!

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