Monday, December 25, 2017

When ignorance is the most common factor... (#3251)

     The test of a society is its ability to debate issues from the standpoint of logic and common sense. The outcomes can be reasonably anticipated based upon the greater good. Not in today's America however. What we have today is an abundance of ignorance infested with greed. A sort of demigod belief in that nothing makes sense except wealth and power. Where even those who have no success in economics still look down on others because of a faulty value system of judgment. A fevered mindset that has a greedy outlook to it that undermines all logic and integrity. Even to the point of breaking the law are they forgiven their actions and thoughts as long as they continue the dichotomy of wealth acquisition based upon privilege and advantage.
     The worst of what we Americans have created over the past many decades is now in control of our national government. Through deceit and deception they have altered the course of democratic principles previously held dear. By the use of racism, sexism and disenfranchisement, the republican party, yes the republican party is the home of these creatures, our society is now rife with the most undesirable of souls in leadership positions. Where the fact of wealth, however earned, whether through manipulative theft, unfair practice or outright law breaking, these unsavory souls have hijacked the honest and decent aspects of economic fairness and equality, among other paradigms.
     The thing that they all have in common is their lack of knowledge and their insistence that they know all they already need to know. So how do you debate such souls? They have already judged themselves right and correct so all the evidence to the contrary is null and void to them. In their small circles of interaction there is nothing left for them to debate except how to deal with those who keep telling them they are wrong. When ignorance is the driving force there can be no debate as such so what is left is either do nothing or to apply a reactionary force against their motion. This is not a friendly interaction where thoughts are respected and proven through facts and truths. This is a battle of wills as to who will force whom to do what and if you are not part of this effort to right the wrongs then you are living in their ignorance and part of the problem.

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