Friday, December 14, 2018

I have decided that after January 31st. I will no longer try to write a bog post everyday. (#3605)

     Thank you those of you who have read my blog and felt some continuity in seeing it at least on your pages for reading if you had the time. There has always been a bit of pressure on my end to to at least give what I had to make it interesting and informative. However, when the 10 year milestone hits on January 31st 2019, I am feeling like it is time to wind down a bit. Now no promises but I will keep trying to write something of value everyday but I won't be putting pressure on myself to do so. If I miss a day or two so be it and good for me if I don't feel the need to force myself at it.
     Even in the short 10 year span I have had some real challenges to getting a post out. On 3 separate occasions I actually missed posting during the 24 hour period that followed my last post. The first one was on day 3. I hadn't decided yet if my blog was going to be a daily feature or not but when I missed it due to some other chaos in my life I found that it hurt me in some way to have forgotten. So in that moment I decided that I would type out 2 blog posts the next day and call the first one a make up for the missed day 3 one and then the second for the one normally posted for that day. The other two misses were on days 622 and 1042. In both cases I was awfully sick so much so that I couldn't even get out of bed to function enough to think and type. In both those cases I also wrote 2 posts on the next day to make up for the lapses.
     It's odd that my most memorable posts have been ones that were the most challenging to get done. Traveling on the road and pulling over to the side to write and then post and then getting back onto the highway to continue my journey. Or when my Internet was down and I needed to go to a wifi hot spot just to type the post and then head back home, this happened numerous times. I have a couple of really nice posts a whole bunch of ordinary posts and even some ridiculous posts but they at least were done in real time with my thoughts on the page at the time. My plan is to slow down and relieve some stress in my life. I know I will try to keep the daily going out of a sense of fun now and not out of some obligation I have with myself, but if I don't then it is because I am truly winding down a bit and need to be less out there in the ether all the time everyday. Stay tuned... :)

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