Friday, February 6, 2009

Priorities (#7)

Patience is easier to say or write than it is to practice. I have been fortunate to understand when I am feeling impatient and pause long enough to allow myself to stop whatever momentum I have been moved by. Sometimes its important for me to quit pressing for a perfect solution to my activities and accept whatever less than perfect outcome is possible. Now understand in matters of high sensitivity nothing less than perfect is acceptable. An example would be to stop how I care for someone when that sense of care is from my heart, to stop would be to deny my heart its natural order. That would be unacceptable. In cases of high sensitivity where patience is demanded it will be given in total so as to complete the natural order of the special gift of a feeling I experience in my heart. Knowing when to distinguish the practice of patience is an individual decision and should always be made with an inner search as to the necessity of having a perfect outcome.

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