Tuesday, October 31, 2023

(#5385) When democracy is on the line republicans are not an ally

      The republican party has shown its evolution from being a staunch defender of democracy in its recent history to now being what can only be called a collaborator with forces that are anti democratic. How in the world has this happened? I have never liked the republican party because of its favoritism and alliance with the wealthy over the working middle poor class but in the past that never stopped republicans from defending our way of life and keeping our democracy safe from the authoritarians of the world. But now, especially since trump and his authoritarian desires, the republicans are now mostly devoid of the patriotism that founded our great nation from tyranny 247 years ago.
     The pure selfishness and greed it must take for the republican party to hunger after total control that is embedded in our citizenry is mind blowing. The republican party is trying to wrest control of our democracy from we the people and turn it into a lifelong domination with freedom, liberty, and justice tossed aside and the republican party vision of our future as the only alternative. The republicans are already dismantling our Constitution by redefining what freedom and liberty actually mean, to instead their version of it. By controlling the Supreme Court and the House of Representatives the republicans are not only attacking democracy but are winning at reducing it.
     What I know is that the republican party knows they cannot win the popular vote so their solution is to cheat that voting process. Instead of modifying their positions to fit the will of the people they are modifying the voting system so that people are not allowed to decide the future of our nation. The people who make up the republican party are not the best of who we Americans can be. Instead they are domineering and opportunists who have to be in charge despite being totally unfit to lead. They cannot understand that democracy allows all of us to define our own happiness. They only understand that their view of happiness must be thrust upon all of us regardless of our desire for it. In 1 year our next general election will come about and at that time just know that the democratic party must be the only votes you cast for on your ballots.

Monday, October 30, 2023

(#5384) My usual media outlets are silent lately on the Ukrainian battlefront

      It happens once in a while when the two media sites I follow are down for a day or two or even three but both have been down over a week at the same time. Surely it is likely just coincidence but I suspect not. Both have been ardent supporters of Ukraine and have risked much to get us the news each day as it occurs. But for both to be silent now for over a week is not welcome. I am hoping it is because they are playing it safe with information that may be getting to the opposing forces and that seems reasonable since they both offer insights that are otherwise not on the surface of regular thought.
     Or it could be that they have been threatened in such a way as to make them pause in their reporting. I am a bit of a hypochondriac when it comes to the unusual when the usual is confrontational. I hope my darker take on this is wrong and that probably both reporters are sick or on leave at the same time. Hopefully in the next day or two one of them will get back to reporting about daily or weekly advances or retreats by either side. One thought I keep coming back to is that possibly the Ukrainian government has asked them to pause in their reporting so that an operation may more easily be hidden from view.
     Again, I let my mind run to places it may without knowing the truth of things. I suppose it is my way of filling in a blank that is not available so my mind does what it does to reconcile some logic. The rainy season is already upon Ukraine and begins in earnest over the next several days. So positioning of forces prior to the rain making mud everywhere is critical to defenses and advances in operations right now. Logic is only as good as its premises so not having all the premises makes my logic here less reliable or predictable. However the news blackout at the moment from two steadfast outlets is puzzling and begs for me to figure out why. Soon in the next few days or a week or more I will know why!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

(#5383) Keep finding the good in the hard

      Life is hard. Duh! It is not easy for most all of us. There are some who have everything so life isn't so hard for them but for the rest of us who don't have much of anything we struggle with getting our motivation in place every day. Same with me and it is not easy having to conjure up my better outlook on a day that I would rather be doing something else. But today is my Monday even though it is Sunday. However the silver lining is that today will likely be less demanding as most people prefer to rest on Sunday instead of be out in the public square for work related activities.
     Yet the ease of today being lesser does not take away from the duties I have to perform in my job. I will of course do those duties and will likely entertain myself with tasks well done but still I will be tired and ready for my shift to be over when the time comes around. Then it is off to see my brother John in the hospice care home. Although this evening will be different as I am taking my dog Billy with me to see John. So I will get home later this day and pick Billy up and continue on to let him visit with John. It will be kind of fun to see John sparkle a bit with Billy there with him for a little while and that will bring a smile to both of our faces.
     I understand my need for working again full time and the freedom it allows me in my finances. It also keeps me healthier in the sense that I am busy moving about. Too often when I am not working I find that I don't stay as active and my health suffers from that. So embracing the hard of doing what I would not rather be doing is more an imperative once I apply all the factors to it. I don't let the emotional side of me decide what I will do as I have found over the years that my emotional side does not take into account factors that are just as important as my own. So my formula is simple, find the good and keep heading toward it.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

(#5382) My pets are my children!

      I have been a single man my entire life so there is no wife nor children that are in my past. However I have had pets since the early nineties. So for over 30 years I have had a dog or cat or multiple of those in my life for the duration of theirs. They have always had a home with me from the time they came into my life until the time when they passed on with one exception. I had a feral cat named Betsy who after several years and the untimely death of her sibling brother Artie, left her home with me and never returned. It is still one of the saddest episodes in my life not being able to find Betsy although after more than 3 years now I still hope for her return.
     But all my other little children have stayed with me and been my constant companions. I have Billy, who is now over 13 years old, a small long haired Chihuahua who stole my heart the first moment I laid eyes on him at the dog pound. Then there is Jimi my mix terrier, a street foundling, who has a shyness to him that to this day some 8 plus years later is still his modus operandi. I also have my cats Arthur and Loretta who are middle aged and home bodies for the most part. Before them and first with me was Carson. My Carson was a cattle dog, blue heeler mix who was my buddy for 11 plus years when I found him in a litter at a home I was visiting.
     My dog Carson and I were always together as I was working as a framer and could take him to job sites during my workdays. Eventually I added Carter to our family, a long haired feral kitty, who spent 13 plus years with me until his untimely demise. Life is like that. We protect our children, human or not but life still has other designs. Anyway, all my pets over the years have held a part of my heart and although their passing has been hard to take I would never trade the joy they brought to me in abundance. I hope to live long enough for none of my pets to be left without me but life is what it is and we muster along to enjoy them each day as we live from our hearts.

Friday, October 27, 2023

(#5381) Not getting ready for work this morning is nice

      I know that I need to work and that is ok by me. But waking up on a day off is special. I don't have to get up except for my animals who remind me that they have a schedule and I am not on time. So up I get and take care of them then the rest of the time like this morning is mine. I am sitting here at my desk writing this blog post without a time constraint like I usually have on my workdays. I can write this post over several hours if I wanted to but that isn't how I roll. I am a bit ordered in my activities so procrastinating is rarely something I do. Speaking of procrastinating, I find doing it makes me feel somewhat anxious so the better of me gets me to do whatever task needs doing without delay.
     So instead of focusing on getting out the door this morning and out into traffic to head to work, I am thinking about when I will go back to bed and return to sleep for an hour or so just because I can. It is only 6 am now so sleeping another hour or so would put me right in the middle of the morning on any other normal day. In fact I think I have decided to do just that. Now all I need to do is finish this blog post and get it out into the ether. Well, I am still drinking my morning half caf coffee but that won't take long to finish since it is cooling as I type and I want it hot or at least warmer than colder. Ok, coffee just got slugged down so nothing stopping me from ending this post and shuffling off for some more sleep.
     It is a privilege for me to have choices that I can choose that make me happy at the thought of them. Even the simplest of choices are welcomed like choosing to sleep again for a bit. Life can be that simple for the most of us who are not actively protecting and defending our freedoms. I somehow feel a bit guilty being able to choose to sleep a bit while others in the world are fighting every minute of their lives just to stay alive. I guess I can look at it this way, they are fighting to have the right to go back to sleep if they choose on their day off so my example is just something for them to reinforce their own reasoning to fighting tyranny and defending democracy.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

(#5380) This weekend will have 300,000 Russian soldiers dead in Ukraine

      At 297 thousand plus already gone and at the rate Russian soldiers are dying in Ukraine these last few weeks the fact of reaching 300,000 dead Russian soldiers in a few more days is inevitable. The Russian tactic of throwing troops at a stronghold position is still active so as these young Russian men are mowed down the body count keeps getting higher. What I don't get is the young Russian soldiers putting up with being forced into a killing field with no hope of returning from it. Are they so desensitized to living that death is preferable?
     As for the Russian leadership and their disdain for life I can only conclude that their psychosis is permeated throughout their rank indoctrination. It is almost like the Russian leadership and to some extent the Russian troops themselves are automatons, just doing their duty to some absurd calling. I suppose my thought that the Russian people would activate their conscience and stop the madman putin and his kremlin acolytes from murdering innocence on all sides is what they would consider me, absurd. Apparently they see the world through blinders and fetters, not enough vision to know they don't know.
     How this conflict will end is still not a given but the Russian people are the true losers in all of this. The Ukrainian people are also losers since they are at the brunt of the brutal Russian attack but at least the Ukrainians are fighting to preserve their dignity and honor as opposed to the Russians who are fighting for death and destruction. All of this is a sad commentary on the leadership within Russia that has no empathy toward life or limb. If there are 300 thousand dead Russian soldiers by this weekend then assuredly there are more than that wounded. I follow this invasion by Russia very closely because to me it is the tell of whether democracy will triumph in our existence or fall to strongmen who care not for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

(#5379) Ukraine needs a full arsenal of weapons

      We in the west are committed to seeing Ukraine regain its territories from the Russian invaders. As such we in the west cannot shirk or shrink from our duty to help Ukraine push the russian horde out of Ukraine. Whatever it takes short of nuclear war has to be our mantra. We in the west cannot allocate weapons based upon our fears, we have to help Ukraine from the standpoint of making Russia say uncle in Ukraine. The unthinkable is that our western reluctance to give Ukraine what they need to beat Russia is that Russia may win in Ukraine and then the rest of Europe will come under their salivating attention. Especially since we showed less than real strength in Ukraine.
     This gambit of putin's is a bluff and we in the west need not fall for it. The kremlin expected us to help Ukraine unequivocally but we have not done that. Instead we have run our strategy under the umbrella of not offending putin. Well that was not what we should have done. We should have given the proud and noble people of Ukraine what weapons they needed to drive Russia out much earlier when that was still possible. Now the Russians have entrenched and driving them out will take a Herculean effort with loss of life on the Ukrainian side that otherwise would have likely been unnecessary.
     Ukraine needs the fighter jets now and long range missiles to attack Russian bases everywhere they are in Russia. The only thing Russia respects is strength and if we in the west don't get our act together on this then putin will not stop warring for his own ego's pleasure. How many more must die before we in the west stop hesitating and begin to project nothing but power and strength? It had better be soon otherwise Ukraine will fall and Russia will be emboldened to stretch it's boundaries further into central Europe. Make no mistake about this, if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine then the beginning of world war 3 will.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

(#5378) Don't poke the giant!

      The thing about President Joe Biden bringing home manufacturing plants is that now these plants can serve to transition into war making needs if needed. We here in America are an industrial giant when it comes to making things that are necessary to keep world order. Russia and China are not on the same scale especially Russia now that they are squeezed from every corner. China has it's own problems that leave it less than ominous. But we here in America are not inhibited in any way if we are poked by the ignorant bullies of the world. Our resolve may not be apparent but underneath our disagreements is a shared resolve that will let nothing disturb our rights as the greatest superpower this planet has ever known.
     I don't like to have to remind the world that we Americans, although too often rude and obnoxious, are aware of our hierarchy as a nation. We have placed ourselves in a unique position of defenders of democracy with the might to actually defend. We also have many staunch allies who will stand with us in ways that make our alliance invincible. So let there be no doubt as to what will happen to the upstart bullies who think they know us better than we know ourselves. That term of fuck around and find out is not without fact. We Americans are not confused or unknowing of outside attempts to divide us. Nothing new under the sun has come along that we can't see through.
     So know this, do not poke this giant who has been poked before and then proceeded to unleash a fury on those who thought that was a good strategy. It never is with us. We want the world to have democracy so that all of us can settle down to more important things than building defenses against tyrants. Our nations would thrive under democratic principles because of the values inherent within one person one vote, the pursuit of happiness, liberty and justice for all, equality of opportunity. These are just some of the values democracy provides so anyone who thinks they can threaten us for our power had better wake up and realize that we Americans are not playing when it comes to our democracy!

Monday, October 23, 2023

(#5377) No cane sugar cake today

      A friend of mine who likes baking cakes that have unique frosting images has been able to make me a no sugar cake with frosting using artificial sweeteners. She will bring it by today after I have already left for work most likely so I will be thinking about it as a special treat when I finally get home tonight. Today will be a little longer day for me away from home because not only am I working my 8 hour shift but immediately afterward I am heading downtown to see my brother John in the Hospice care home. I decided that since I last seen my blood sugar level just outside the normal range after the last blood test that I would hold to keeping sugar as best I could out of my diet.
     So far so good. I must admit that it wasn't that hard once I decided that I needed to work on my health at this later stage of my life. Priorities man, priorities! So already I have given up a lot of salt and now cutting out sugar is not as difficult. 17 years ago I gave up alcohol and cigarettes and have not been tempted mightily at all with those dismissals so salt and now sugar is not as difficult as I thought it might be. Especially since my friend is about to bring over her creation of a no sugar cake. That is what I miss a lot. Having a cake around the house to eat when I was in the mood for cake.
     Well if this new concoction of my friend meets with my approval that dynamic of not having a cake around the house will stop. If I were a younger man I would be all over trying to create a bakery called no sugar bakery. There are a lot of us out there who have given up eating sweets because there have been so few alternatives to cooking or baking with sugar but now with natural sweeteners it would seem that the opportunity to bring in a whole lot of market share into a healthy sweet alternative is available. Someone will eventually make this a successful life work but as of yet I know of no one who is doing a no sugar bakery on a scale that would satisfy the many of us who would eagerly add a no sugar bakery item to our shopping lists.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

(#5376) Understanding my metabolism

      As some may know I have gone back into the workforce as a necessity on a couple of fronts. For financial solvency with a physical benefit to boot. But what I haven't thought about until this morning was the need for me to slow down my exertions. I am not 20 years old anymore so working hard non stop is not conducive to me surviving for the next 3 to 4 years. I figure I can get myself into a financial position where after about 42 months I can taper back down to little or no outside work. I will be 72 years old by then and that is still young enough to enjoy my days in a somewhat healthy way.
     In order for me to achieve this goal I must learn to not rush my activities at work and for that matter at home when I am off work. I need to regulate my production to within a scope that accomplishes my personal goals while also keeping up with a normal production schedule. My main problem is that I am always trying to do more than what is actually needed. I suppose it has served me well throughout my younger life but I am no longer that person. As a now 68 year old I do feel the stress and strain of the years of hard work and at times hard play.
     So if I am to survive this quest I am putting myself on I need to adjust to my own reality. I am old not young so I don't have the luxury of overcoming injuries and other physical anomalies with quick rebounds. I must take extra care not to push the envelope of my production beyond what is doable in a safe and concerted effort. My competitive nature has been a true friend but I am not in competition with myself or anyone else now. I must keep to a methodical approach that moves along the expected assignments I am tasked with, without trying to set world land speed records in the process. My metabolism is my focus for now and regulating it is my priority. I will gauge myself today and see if I will help myself and the company achieve a happy medium.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

(#5375) I keep waiting for the Russian people but they keep disappointing

     As I wait for the Russian people to say enough of this craziness that is killing their youth I am left wondering how long if at all it will take them to stop their murderous leader? When will it dawn on them that maybe their own government is feeding them the propaganda and not the west. Same kind of deal here in America with stubborn republican base voters. It seems they too have much in common with the Russian people. They both are unwilling to believe the evidence right in front of their eyes. They will not allow reason or logic to invade their preset mindsets that the republican party has failed them.
     I suppose when Russia has no more young men left in their country will it finally dawn on the fathers and mothers who no longer have theirs. If only they had risen from their fear and worked to end the constant flow of death their children faced in Ukraine. I know it isn't easy on the fathers and mothers to rise up against a madness that has no good end but the worst case scenario is that they themselves will find that putin will force them into fighting when all the young men are gone. What other choice do they have? Should they keep letting putin destroy their children or should they find a way to end the reign of putin and they themselves demand an accounting of what horror their children were subjected to under putin and his kremlin allies.
     The fathers and mothers of nearly 300,000 young Russian men need to find their moral compass and put an end to their ruthless tyrannical leader's crusade to conquer the world. Otherwise their children died for nothing more than the delusions of a despicable excuse for a human being. Same with we here in America. As the republican party is on the verge of ending democracy as a party platform the voters who support them need to rise up and tell them NO! The easiest way for the republican voter to change their political party is for them to stop voting for the current mix of undesirable candidates. They need to be retired from office and then allow for a patriotic mix of candidates to vie for Congress. It is much easier for republicans to fix their problem here in America than for the Russians who have but one or two dangerous choices and both require courage beyond just voting.

Friday, October 20, 2023

(#5374) 1,350 dead russian soldiers yesterday

      This gives me no pleasure to have to pass this information along. What putin is doing to his own people, outside of what he is doing to other countries is insane! Anytime the daily death toll for Russia reaches or comes close to reaching 1000 troops a day you know Russia is failing miserably somewhere in their illegal invasion of Ukraine. The russian tactic of throwing their troops into battle en masse without a proper military strategy is endless it seems. The term cannon fodder is very appropriate to what the Russian lack of brain trust is doing to its citizen troops.
     I am not sad for them these newly deceased Russian soldiers but I am not happy nor satisfied. It is a situation where the troops themselves are complicit in the outrage that is putin. They believe the Russian propaganda that they are somehow in some noble position, not the perpetrators of horror. So when a report that says 1,350 Russian troops are no more breathing air in Ukraine today then I become certain that this deadly fiasco by putin will end sooner than he thinks and not in a way he hopes. The body count for Russia in Ukraine is already now above 292,000 and certain to hit 300,000 in the next week or little more. If that many Russian soldiers are dead then expect about that many are also wounded. Well over half a million dead and wounded Russian troops because putin is a monster.
     I follow the happenings in this horrible invasion of Ukraine by Russia's putin and have been both amazed by the fighting spirit and will of Ukraine while left speechless by the tactics of the psycho putin and his disdain for the lives of anyone not himself. If the Russian people had stood up to putin at the outset of this invasion the lives of a quarter million or more young Russian men would have been saved and their lives could have been lived to some kind of fruition in a peaceful scenario instead of the hellscape putin has created. A lesson here is that when a monster is revealed it is always best to beat the monster early before he can cause his inevitable chaos and ruin!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

(#5373) Sometimes technology can be a boor!

      I just spent 25 minutes of my life trying to pay a bill online. Just like I have year after year. Except today the site wouldn't let me sign into it. Which makes no sense since I have done nothing to change anything. So of course it is some kind of glitch for whatever reason. The mad part about it is that I am only trying to give them money for their monthly billing. Why all of a sudden I cannot access my account has more to do with them than me. The screen sent me to change username and password option of which none of them would work. So my old username and password will now need to be changed since I tried to change both but the site still says I am wrong. lol.
     So instead of accessing a one minute bill paying option I am now 25 minutes behind in my morning schedule and getting to have to deal with this new mess after I get home from work either tonight or tomorrow. Technology doesn't have to be like this but that is how it goes in my existence. This may seem like a very trivial problem and of course in the bigger picture it is but that doesn't change the frustration that I feel about it. I like getting things done and when I can't get things done I need to know why. Well technology failures are not my forte so my frustration will have to go on the back burner for a while since I have to focus on other more important solutions for today.
     It is a bit funny though that my inability to pay my small bill to a service provider this morning has become the subject of this days blog post but it seems timing is everything and eating into my blog writing time frame has cost this technology some exposure in a not so good way. I will get it all figured out and have to file another new username and password away for a service that shouldn't have needed it but what the heck as long as I am forced to go backward I need to find a way to reverse it and go forward. Much like in life when things go haywire for no reason we all need to step back for a moment, catch our breath and resolve to correct the mess in order to get back to where we were before discovering the mess.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

(#5372) The fight for democracy is on!

      Everywhere there is a strongman trying to force tyranny on our planet is where we democracy loving patriots need to be ready to combat. Our democracy and the democracies of all the other nations in the world need to be of one mind here. Wherever democracy comes under attack is where we all come under attack. This is where being united to protect each others right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness begins. In our own nation of the United States we fought and won our right to democratic principles with the absolutely necessary help from France. Today, we are like France in that we can help other fledgling and established democracies overcome their obstacles to either firmly establish or maintain their current democracies.
     When the world is united by we the people of each of our nations is when our problems become solvable. By showing support for each other to become a we the people led planet, other problems to do with quality of life are designed with maximum efficiency. Once we have stopped the tyranny surrounding us in desperate nations is when our planet can become the focus of our attention and not the screaming noise inside some diseased minds like putin, trump, xi, and other lesser tyrannical figures. Democracy has always been the answer to the world's problems and now that the tyrants have exposed themselves through war atrocities the best solution to their deserved punishment is to defeat them and put democracy front and center into their nation's politics.
     A Marshall plan for after tyranny's defeat to align newly freed people into a system that paves the way for free and fair elections with one person having one vote. As the world moves closer to democratic principles all of us Earthlings who are not psychos will easily understand that we the human race need all of us to have a chance to be purposeful in life. My dream is that soon, very soon the world will catch on to this moment and decide that giving democracy to everyone is the greatest avenue to solving their problems and the world's problems at large. Now is the time to end tyranny everywhere so let us get this done now!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

(#5371) Triumph of the human spirit

      Whatever we do in life that heightens our achievements is often manifested in our emotion. With me it is the release of a feeling within me that is immersed in pure joy. These moments don't happen that often but when they do they are what makes us human. We are compassionate by nature so when that passion is combined with a sense of accomplishment it is a marvel to feel. Tears come to my eyes because deep down I know this is what it is like to be a human being. Not just to exist but to feel the depths of my inner joy through a circumstance or experience that exemplifies the better and best of who we are as a species.
     That is how I wish I could feel all the time. A beaming, all encompassing feeling that is threaded throughout my body. But like all things in this existence it doesn't last long and then I am back to my default position of just trying to survive as best I can. Those fleeting moments though are what make me keep going onward despite the uncertainty of ever feeling that triumph of the human spirit again. Nothing is guaranteed and I know this. There is no deserves that I have in a cupboard ready to pull out when I really need it. No, I have to keep working toward some scenario that allows me to accomplish or create something that has that feel good moment embedded as a result.
     I have figured out life per se. Do good things and feel the benefit of it. I don't need artificial additives or untrue accolades. I just need to be doing what I do best. Which is to think of others like I would hope they would think of me. If I don't get thought of that way back then that is not my control but my control is what I think and that will always be the key. I have never tried to run anyone else's life because I am not them so being in control of me is my only purpose. As a result the moments of pure joy occasionally are my reward. Living life to feel life should be all our goal. It is the only true value of existence that I have discovered. Nothing else compares!

Monday, October 16, 2023

(#5370) Time is not on my side

      That is what happens when we get older. Time begins to run out and all the things that seemed important before that revelation are all of a sudden not that important. This is the crossroads I am at in this moment. I am still working to get some things moved along but I am not planning much of anything beyond that other than to settle into the thought that I need to square up my own life and begin to plan for my leaving it. I suppose that doesn't matter much either but to me it is part of who I am. Sort of my legacy of how I lived and what I hope will be how others want to live.
     I am still caring for my brother in the hospice facility as best I can but it is so hard to watch and listen to him slowly fading from who he was. It does remind me that my own life which is less than two years shorter than John's is not far away from my own final chapter. I have no illusions about the coming end for me I just want to keep living with the ideal that somehow I made life easier for others. It has always been who I am. The one constant even through the rough times I allowed in my life I always cared for others because I knew despair and little to no hope myself.
    Because I have been at the bottom I have been reinforced with the knowledge that no one should have to be at the bottom. If we all could somehow find it within ourselves to lift up that bottom to a place where despair and hopelessness are not all that there is then maybe our lives and world will find itself a much more happier place. We can begin to feel good about what really matters in life. Not some sports score or some big capital gain. But about seeing others with a brightness in their eyes and a spring in their step. We the people are all of us not just some of us. We need to never forget how close we all could be to despair and hopelessness.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

(#5369) Russia closing in on 300,000 dead soldiers in Ukraine

      The impossible is becoming a reality. Who would have thought that after Russia invaded Ukraine again on February 24, 2022 that they would be near to losing 300 thousand troops because of it. Well get ready because that is exactly what is going to happen within the next week or two. Russia is insane in their demented mindset of taking Ukraine away from Ukrainians and turning it into another region of Russia. Think of it this way, it is like if we Americans decided that we wanted to invade Canada because we wanted it as part of our nation for no good reason.
     Canada is a peaceful country just living as a democracy being a good neighbor. But Russia would see them as a threat to their form of tyranny and would want them destroyed because of it. Well we Americans are not the Russians so Canada has no xuch worry from us but the comparison would be identical if not for the absurdity of it. Russia is what I would call a monster. They are not rational human beings there. Now not all russians think like putin but not enough of them are strong enough to stop putin. So as putin goes so goes Russia. Please good Russians, prove me wrong!
     So until putin is stopped from warring around the globe and especially in Ukraine the death toll will continue to climb. Just think about it. 300 thousand dead young Russian men who will not be part of Russia's future. All because putin is not stopped from getting them killed. What that tells me is that the Russian people are not convinced that 300 thousand dead Russian men is yet equal to one deposed putin. How that can be is mind boggling to me especially since putin is an old man and the hundreds of thousands of dead Russian men are barely into their early adulthood. There is no logic here that makes any rational sense so what is left is for more Russian young men to die for the tyrant putin and his sickening boot licking kremlin toadies.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

(#5368) I will get some good rest today

     So yesterday morning, my first of 2 straight days off work I get all my chores done very early so that I can go get a flu and Covid shot at the medical facility. I was standing in line early and I get a call from my old boss at the transfer driver position. I left the part time transfer driving position so that I could start a full time job as a storage facility coordinator/housekeeper. So after 5 straight days of work I was going to get my vaccination shots and then head home and cook up a big breakfast. Well the call from my old boss changed that. He asked me if I would help them out and come in directly from the medical facility after my shots and drive the transfer van picking up and dropping off the other drivers as needed.
     As is my usual modus operandi I agreed and told him I would be in within an hour. After disconnecting I thought to myself why did you agree to that? I was already tired and was looking forward to relaxing all day to recharge my energies. To late now though so I focused on the fun I could have working with some of my previous colleagues. Well I wasn't disappointed and many of them had also been called in to handle an unusual for Friday sudden rush of work orders. I ended up working for 6 hours and it wasn't all too bad except maybe the vaccination shots were dragging me down a little bit but otherwise I did enjoy the experience.
     This morning I am much more tired than yesterday but I am not going to do anything but rest today and that should get me enough energy to make it through my next 5 day run. Here I am trying to cut back on hours after careful consideration of all the factors and all I do is work a week with 6 overtime hours. Which kind of typifies my plans when I make them. I should just make no plans and let the days be what they are. I will go to the store this morning to stock up on supplies and then it is off to my chair and if anyone calls for me to come in to do something other than sit in my chair today then the answer will be no. I like being a team player and helping where the need is but sometimes my needs supersede.

Friday, October 13, 2023

(#5367) I wish I was as strong as the Ukrainian people

      For all my will and determination I am less able to be a vigilant warrior like the Ukrainian people. They don't need to escape their dull and dreary lives as I do at times. They are not allowed a dull and dreary life instead they are under constant threat of being not alive. If I was as strong as the Ukrainians I would embrace my dull and dreary life with a gusto that underlied a thankfulness. Instead I have to occasionally slip out of reality and let myself become immersed in daydreaming about what could have been. Recapturing moments of joy and happiness that remind me of the worth of our species and its complexities as some kind of salve for my soul.
     There is no changing the past but there is some little worth in learning from different choices not made. That is what I tell myself as I try to justify a lapse from being aware of all around me when I am not sleeping. I feel like I owe it to the specialness of life to not distract myself from any part of it that is happening. Maybe I expect too much of myself but that is who I have always been so why would I think it was not appropriate for me? I know that making reality a safe harbor for all of us is what needs to be done so when that is true the time for escaping into a dream world of my imagination is an acceptable pause from all that is going on around us. Yet we are not all living in a safe harbor so my disappointment with myself is real.
     I know that we should try to find some happiness in a world that is otherwise unkind and cruel to others is a compromise we seem to have made allowable as a society but I am heartsick at the thought of it. So when I find myself adhering to a less than honorable stance for myself even if socially acceptable it makes me feel the lesser of who I am. Nothing changes that, not even the most ardent argument. I often mention how amazing our species is but in truth we don't act amazing in the most fundamental ways when it comes to too many of our virtues of honor and noble intent. There is room for the arts in life even when the struggle for life is at a knife's edge. I know this but somehow the Ukrainian people are not granted even the arts and for that I am head down and kicking dirt sorrowful.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

(#5366) Ukraine is still our focus

      I know how sensitive the topic of israel can be among many here in the US but they have been less than enviable since they have taken such a hard line against the Palestinians. Nothing being done to Israel at the moment justifies them being murdered like they are but Israel has been less than cooperative in finding a solution for Middle East peace and instead have been aggressively against it. How that plays out now is for them to decide since Israel and Palestine are the ones most effected. Unlike in Ukraine where the world is on notice of Russia's intent to destroy democracy and conquer at will.
     Israel has moved away from democracy and in ways that don't benefit consensus. Instead, strong men like netanyahu are dictating terms from less than wise political peace building strategies. The understanding that failure to communicate in respectful ways leads to chaos and harm is a lesson now being learned. There are other players on the outskirts of the Israeli debacle instigating the tensions there and again they are the usual suspects. Russia, Iran, with China, in the mix have found themselves another path toward destabilization. Which brings us back to Ukraine. All three of those less than honorable leaders of those three countries are also involved in the illegal invasion of Ukraine and it's current torment.
     Which is why the focus of democracies around the world cannot lose sight of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the underlying fact that russia is out to destroy democracy. The tactics by putin and his gang of allies is simple, terrorize and confuse. We won't see an end to it until those leaders who are committing war crimes are removed from power. So in the meantime we the enlightened civilized world need to combat and negate the present situation in Ukraine. Ukraine must be liberated from the Russian invasion and then their country can begin to rebuild from the horrific Russian destruction there. Ukraine can then become a full member of NATO and the European Union with an ability to defend itself and democratic principles from any future plans to thwart their sovereign right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

(#5365) Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is a hero to democracy

      I was thinking of our own first president, then General George Washington, who fought the British to help all of us to gain American independence. He then became our president after leading our nation out of the horrors of war. He carried on for 2 terms and then stepped aside to let a younger generation carry the weight of the awesome task of keeping our union growing. George knew that the days of monarchs and rulers for life was wrong and he exemplified that. He could in no way be a king of America because he believed in liberty, not power. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is of the same mold.
     He has made it clear he would run for a second term as the president of Ukraine if needed but would not run for a second term if the war were over. Zelenskyy has known that he is the wartime president and that is his strength. After the Russians have been removed from Ukraine and rebuilding Ukraine to a democratic bastion is a job left to some other Ukrainian patriot. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not in this for the power he is in this for reclaiming Ukrainian liberty, like our own hero George Washington. Being able to share with all of you the comparison between these two great men is a privilege for me. I am honored to be able to make the distinction.
     Our species is a masterful one when the circumstances present themselves for us to prove it. Our amazing ability to see beyond ourselves into an existence where the better and best of our human natures flourish is an evolution that no other species in life has exhibited. We human beings are in a test of that ability now and when we pass this test we will be stronger and more together than ever. Those who seek power for the sake of their egos are the problem in the world. We need more people like George Washington and Volodymyr Zelenskyy to remind us that we all have the courage to fight for greater things than ourselves and deny the petty people who would destroy our democracy.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

(#5364) I will be slowing down my work activities

      After careful consideration of all the factors involved I have decided that working full time is not for me. I am already retired with Social Security income but with the increase in profits by major manufactures and suppliers, the cost of things had pushed me back out into the workforce. I had hoped that finding a full time job with light duty aspects would come available but I didn't find anything here in my area of that nature. I did find with some help, a full time job as a caretaker housekeeper person at a storage facility but the demands of that position are not light duty, in fact too much of the time I find myself physically degraded from the workload expectation.
     So I informed my boss that I will be looking instead to reduce my hours to about 20 a week, when possible, and give him at least 2 weeks notice, which would help me with all the other things I have going on in my life yet still give me a large enough income to pay the bills. It isn't a mental decision on my part it is a physical one. My body, in this storage position, cannot keep up with the rigors demanded of it. I have so far but I feel every bit of it now and it is just getting harder to keep up. I will keep up until I get another work opportunity but at least I have started the process. I am 68 years old and I want to enjoy what is left of my life not have to be driving myself into the ground to continue with it.
      I have learned this lesson from the last 7 plus months and it is that I can build up to work a full workload but there will be a cost physically that I cannot afford to pay. Young people have little idea what I mean by this because they don't know just how much our older bodies decline from our more youthful strengths. I have to take care of me and if I am lucky and I can find a working position that honors my college degree with something of a more mental workload as opposed to physical I would consider that however I am certain that working 20 hours a week will allow me the freedom to take care of all the things that I need to do on the homefront. Quality of life at this stage is far more important that any quantity that I would suffer to add to my life.

Monday, October 9, 2023

(#5363) How many innocent people have to die before putin is removed from power?

      You can already hear the blame being bandied about between Egypt and Iran being culpable for the missile attacks on Israel but the ringleader has always been putin. He is pulling strings all over the world in order to put together his psychotic vision of domination. Many are denying the concept that the attack on israel is a distraction from Ukraine but even them having to deny it shows it is a distraction. I mean c;mon, we are distracted out here in the regular world. The criminal psychotic putin is up to neck in all these missile attacks on israel. Think about it, he hits Ukraine on a daily basis for nearly 2 years with missiles on Ukrainian society, just like the attack by hamas on Israel.
     I don't need to be convinced that bad people make bad things happen and in the case of putin there is no doubt that he is the master of death and destruction. He must be relieved of any power to make more chaos in the world. This is the charge of democratic societies, relieve the rest of the world of the chaos masters and bring the world into a reality of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We democrats have to come to the point of putting up or shutting up. Fighting for the best ideals the world has ever had under human control is the correct thing to do and what we must do. No one likes to have to fight but when the fight comes at you then you must defend yourself with a vengeance on the aggressor.
     Fighting is a last resort. Yes, even for me. But I will fight with a steely eyed vengeance anytime a fight is brought to my feet. So I must if I wish to survive. It is the same with democracy. When someone tries to dismantle our greatest achievement in human history so that they can harm requires our immediate attention as if we had just been sucker punched. Such is the case in Ukraine. The demented putin has decided that his quest to dismantle democracy begins In Ukraine and if we don't stop and then end the reign of putin then the world will feel a greater war none of us who love freedom should have to endure. The Ukrainian invasion by Russia is where all of putin's madness must end!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

(#5362) The calamity in the world is down to putin!

      The moment the attack by Hamas happened in Israel is when I knew putin was behind it. There is only one person who benefits from that attack and it is putin. He wants so badly to destroy the alliance Ukraine has with the west and his last best option is to distract the world with another conflict. If you don't see this as true you are not as attuned to the world as you should be. He, putin, is a death merchant and when he doesn't get his way he creates the death of others to force his way forward. This is just another war crime perpetrated by putin and as surely as time will pass we will find the links to all of it to justify what I am saying here.
     That being said we in the west need to keep our focus on stopping putin as an answer to solving conflicts and reclaiming some peaceful stability. The Middle East has always been an unsettled dynamic and with the leader of Israel a wannabe fascist in the mold of putin the opportunity for putin to help himself in his hour of need arose. If bibi had not been such a fascist embracer and instead sought to work with Palestine to bring about a two state solution then this type of massacre would not be readily available. Fascists who want to dominate others are anti democratic and the fewer fascists in the world the more life. liberty, and the pursuit of happiness flourishes.
     There is no master race! There are just we human beings from varying cultures that are now so intertwined into a melting pot of our one human species. Those who play on the fears of race and gender are psychotic merchants of greed and selfishness. They have one agenda and that agenda is to rule the world. Fascists in all corners of our planet need to be broken down and shown the error of their way. We are all due our rights as free human beings and no fascist person has the right to change that! The end of putin's power on this planet must be now and if not now then the next intentional strategic calamity to aid putin is just around the corner.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

(#5361) The end of the reign of putin will bring about greater democracy

      In my lifetime never has a man held so much sway over whether democracy flourishes or not. I was raised under the threat of nuclear war with the Soviet Union but this is so much more pervasive. Then it was the logic of a mutually assured destruction that kept each side safe from an ultimate world calamity but with putin there is no mutually assured zero sum logic. He wants what he wants and he will not take no for an answer even if it means total destruction around him. So before he gets to that point the plan should be to remove him from power.
     However that removal process proceeds, it needs to be done before putin has his way with his revenge on the world. I am trying to put myself into his shoes and think like him in a most despicable way. He will not care about his offspring, nor his immediate family, he will only want what makes him the giver of the last word. Throughout all his war crimes he has shown that his care for how history perceives him is nothing to him. He doesn't think in the terms of destiny, only revenge. He is a petty man who cannot stand not getting his way. He should never have been allowed to remain as the leader of Russia, but nothing about the past can be changed.
     However the future is yet to be written and anything is still possible to not only make the world a more beautiful place but to stop any madness he may conclude is his destiny. He is not the kind of person who can be trusted with the life and liberty of any people. His deranged sense of entitlement and deserves has gone beyond any boundary of normalcy. He is not for any people, not even those who are his followers. His strategy is to have everything he wants until he gets everything he wants. There is no middle ground with him. His few allies now are not as attuned to his agenda as they think they are and they themselves will find that their decision to ally with him will bring them no relief however the future plays out.

Friday, October 6, 2023

(#5360) Trying to convince my neighbor about the benefits of Universal health care

      I have a neighbor who is now getting ready to pay over $6,000 a month to a palliative care home. I tried to tell her that if we had universal health care coverage she would not need to pay anywhere near that amount. But her immediate response was well there are 3 million more people here in California. Well I have known for sometime that her and her husband are republicans but since we live next to each other I keep politics out of our occasional discourses. But in this case her understanding that 3 million more people would be eligible for health care chapped my hide. I told her that it would be good for them since keeping our nation healthy is a priority.
     My main point to her was that health care issues like what is happening to her husband should not remove all the savings and investments they have done in their lifetime. No one should be charged exorbitant amounts to care for their elderly spouses when physical liabilities occur. Her husband is likely not coming back home since he cannot walk on his own and must be cared for 24-7. So it is the care home for him even though he is not in any imminent death diagnosis. He will likely live out his days in the care home for how many years is uncertain at best. The monthly payments will eat away their savings and in time there will be little left of their nest egg.
     I think she began to understand that not only are the poor served by universal health care but even the moderately well off. Too many couples have had their life savings taken away through for profit care homes and to me that is not how this should be. A universal health care system helps everyone and should be our model like in 72 other countries who enjoy much higher life expectancies than those countries that don't have publicly funded health care. One inch at a time with some folks and I don't know if she will ever be cool with helping everyone while she is being helped herself but maybe she will come around when she thinks on it some more. No expectations though...

Thursday, October 5, 2023

(#5359) Wearing down physically but my spirit remains high

      It seems that with age I am getting more responsibility not less. I guess it is because I am aware that my time in this existence is closer to being over than when I started. That is fine with me since I had long ago rectified it with myself that I could not change the physics of this reality in my short lifetime. My body is wearing down and now that I am working 40 hours a week in a job that has me doing enough physical labor to justify the wearing down I am really very sore in every part of myself. I also am taking care of the needs of my brother who is in hospice care while keeping my home running somewhat efficiently, along with caring for my 4 animals.
     Despite all of this though I still wake up early in the morning and get myself ready to launch into my day. It is because I still like being alive and although it is somewhat a drudgery at the moment the overall picture is still encouraging. Even the drudgery part of my days seem to be lessening as my body gets closer to acclimating to a new schedule. From working part time as a driver to working full time as basically a custodian of a large indoor storage unit the transition is not easy for this 68 year old man. It isn't just my age that I bring to my duties it is all the wear and tear I had previously from the rugged work, to name a few,, underground miner, residential and industrial framer, and tree logger, I was involved in previously in my life.
     I am at a point now in my life where the wisdom of my experiences is beginning to play out in a much more efficient and timely way. I do things smarter and with less effort as is possible. This helps me keep my mental health invigorated because to me there is little better in life than a job well done in an environment that I get to design. Where I can utilize my diminishing physicality through smart planning I can prolong my slowing closing work career with a modicum of pride and accomplishment. To me there is nobility in all honest work and as long as I do my part and not harm myself in the process I will keep being happy as my days in the workforce continue.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

(#5358) I appreciate me

      It doesn't seem to matter to many people that when you do them a solid favor they just expect it. I suppose not acknowledging such things is part of who they are or what they have become but it is a bit irritating to those who like me are left with no thanks. I admit that it does rankle me just a little bit but then it goes away and I pat myself on my own back for a job well done. This little process of mine seems to do the trick as I am ready afterwards to do another favor when the correct opportunity arrives. Now I don't encourage behavior that is less than desired but then again I can only control that which I institigate.
     To live a life of example is lonely at times thus the occasional hope that someone would say thanks for me going beyond the norm for them. Yet living life as an example of how life should be lived is greater than my own place in it. I do matter but really not as much as the principles that guide my life. There is honor in all positive things done with the correct attitude and the willingness to be humble in the doing of them. I know this and it is the salve that keeps me level headed despite my human emotions. I am not an automaton so emotions are part of my make up. Even seeing the bigger picture sometimes is not enough to placate the feeling of not being appreciated.
     I am in a mood this morning and this post is a reflection of that. I know my attention to a slight is underwhelming as a subject and there are greater worries in the world than hurt feelings but dealing with those hurt feelings and putting them into a perspective that moves us beyond them is no slight accomplishment. It is kind of cool how these odd different subjects come across my mental screen and form themselves into a discussion I have primarily with myself then anyone who may read this and that is somewhat cathartic. Keeping the smile on my face and a good healthy a attitude starting each day is more than just trivial to me.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

(#5357) The slow arc of justice

      Like Dr. King spoke of, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” "Change takes a long time, but it does happen"-Google.. The same can be said of the deserves both trump and putin have coming. Both are reprehensible beings for their incomprehensible behavior toward others. The same can be said of musk and his now clear hatred of those who are not like him. He couches his words to reflect the least amount of derogatory animus but the sniveling underlying prejudice is without doubt. These types of people have so far been successful in hiding their true intent but the time for that is over.
     Both trump and musk will feel the pain of resource loss while trump will feel much more once his other trials begin. What happens to putin is still uncertain but he is the most vulnerable to the worse loss of all. He has made himself an enemy of so many angry folks that his very survival is certainly in question. All of them are finding their cost/benefit equation not bent toward benefit. They have benefitted mightily from their wrangled successes but now that time is over and there will be no more successes coming to any of them. Which is appropriate since they are all the worst of what humanity has produced.
     I know that in the heart of most all people is the good that is waiting to come out so when we are faced with these types who are not like normal people we are a bit confused as to how to relate to them. They force us to react to them even when they are not trying because they do such abnormal things that fall far outside the bounds of normalcy. But react we must and united we should be in dealing with them because they do not understand anything but force against them. They are immune to shame and remorse so they are to be dealt with in a way that leaves no doubt as to our resolve that debased individuals or groups shall not profit off the goodwill of others.

Monday, October 2, 2023

(#5356) I am for Ukraine!

      Nowhere on earth right now is there a more heroic people than Ukrainians! Like Pericles of 5th century BC in Greece, the Ukrainian people are leaders of defending and protecting democracy. Heroic figures fighting now against the tyrant putin and his bootlicking followers. I am an American and a proud citizen who heralds our own Revolutionary War as a harbinger for the rest of the world. What Ukraine is doing now against the tyrant is much like what we did against the monarch. We both needed help from friendly countries in order to achieve our goal of liberty and freedom. While France helped us turn the tide of the war against the British, Ukraine still needs the western countries to help them defeat the Russian horde.
     It has always been a struggle to achieve freedom from the oppressive authoritarian sociopaths who think that they are the only ones who should decide the fate of other beings. Such is the charge of democracy, defeat those who would deny life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to any soul. We Americans and other democracy loving countries are firmly committed to help Ukraine but our commitments need to be less cautious and more aggressive. I do not fear any threat putin will make because he will always be able to make them. So let us not be hindered by what he may do but let him be hindered by what we will do should he not remove himself from Ukraine.
     What has always worked for me is to stand up when my courage was available and pounce with alacrity at a moments notice in order to shut down the latest threat in my life. Threats to me are a strategy and like all strategies will be weighed with the zero sum analysis. Bullies notwithstanding also know that another bully that comes along and bullies them is what they fear most. We in the west are the greatest bully on Earth should we choose so putin needs to feel our determined breath on his fear filled face. Ending this murderous invasion by putin is our charge in the west and taking from putin his revenge from being stood up to by the honorable Ukrainians is our purpose.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

(#5355) The republican government shutdown that failed to happen

      My better instinct on this told me that no matter how much republicans threaten to harm Americans there is a tipping point where even they realize that their threats are even worse for them. In the back of my mind I had hoped that the fact of their hostage taking would be too much for them carry out. Well that is what happened in reality. Their hostage taking became too much for them and they backed down at least for the next 45 days. What may change in the next 45 days I am unsure of but it would seem to me that nothing much will change the dynamics of going through this again at that time.
     President Biden and the rest of the democratic party leadership did the correct thing in not negotiating with the republican blackmailers. Instead they held true to the principle of ethical process and the ideal of helping the American people not hurting us. So at the last minute republicans were forced to concede their blackmail and accepted the reality of a bipartisan approach to ending this absurd government shutdown coercion. What republicans did though was scare a lot of people who now must be wary of the republican party and their motives going forward. What this did to the democratic party was solidify our resolve to end republican rule in the House of Representatives.
     Our nation must be led by people of good faith and honest motive. We currently don't have that with the House of Representatives. We democrats are only a few federal districts short from reclaiming the majority next November 5th 2024 for us to have the leadership back and that now is a real probable happening. The republican brand is at best confusing. What do they stand for if not for our Constitution, democracy, and equality? Because I don't see them championing any of these honorable ideals. We democrats have long been the party of all the people and it is our quest in life to truly make America the greatest democracy in the world through our Constitution and the fullness of equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.