Tuesday, October 31, 2023

(#5385) When democracy is on the line republicans are not an ally

      The republican party has shown its evolution from being a staunch defender of democracy in its recent history to now being what can only be called a collaborator with forces that are anti democratic. How in the world has this happened? I have never liked the republican party because of its favoritism and alliance with the wealthy over the working middle poor class but in the past that never stopped republicans from defending our way of life and keeping our democracy safe from the authoritarians of the world. But now, especially since trump and his authoritarian desires, the republicans are now mostly devoid of the patriotism that founded our great nation from tyranny 247 years ago.
     The pure selfishness and greed it must take for the republican party to hunger after total control that is embedded in our citizenry is mind blowing. The republican party is trying to wrest control of our democracy from we the people and turn it into a lifelong domination with freedom, liberty, and justice tossed aside and the republican party vision of our future as the only alternative. The republicans are already dismantling our Constitution by redefining what freedom and liberty actually mean, to instead their version of it. By controlling the Supreme Court and the House of Representatives the republicans are not only attacking democracy but are winning at reducing it.
     What I know is that the republican party knows they cannot win the popular vote so their solution is to cheat that voting process. Instead of modifying their positions to fit the will of the people they are modifying the voting system so that people are not allowed to decide the future of our nation. The people who make up the republican party are not the best of who we Americans can be. Instead they are domineering and opportunists who have to be in charge despite being totally unfit to lead. They cannot understand that democracy allows all of us to define our own happiness. They only understand that their view of happiness must be thrust upon all of us regardless of our desire for it. In 1 year our next general election will come about and at that time just know that the democratic party must be the only votes you cast for on your ballots.

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