Thursday, October 19, 2023

(#5373) Sometimes technology can be a boor!

      I just spent 25 minutes of my life trying to pay a bill online. Just like I have year after year. Except today the site wouldn't let me sign into it. Which makes no sense since I have done nothing to change anything. So of course it is some kind of glitch for whatever reason. The mad part about it is that I am only trying to give them money for their monthly billing. Why all of a sudden I cannot access my account has more to do with them than me. The screen sent me to change username and password option of which none of them would work. So my old username and password will now need to be changed since I tried to change both but the site still says I am wrong. lol.
     So instead of accessing a one minute bill paying option I am now 25 minutes behind in my morning schedule and getting to have to deal with this new mess after I get home from work either tonight or tomorrow. Technology doesn't have to be like this but that is how it goes in my existence. This may seem like a very trivial problem and of course in the bigger picture it is but that doesn't change the frustration that I feel about it. I like getting things done and when I can't get things done I need to know why. Well technology failures are not my forte so my frustration will have to go on the back burner for a while since I have to focus on other more important solutions for today.
     It is a bit funny though that my inability to pay my small bill to a service provider this morning has become the subject of this days blog post but it seems timing is everything and eating into my blog writing time frame has cost this technology some exposure in a not so good way. I will get it all figured out and have to file another new username and password away for a service that shouldn't have needed it but what the heck as long as I am forced to go backward I need to find a way to reverse it and go forward. Much like in life when things go haywire for no reason we all need to step back for a moment, catch our breath and resolve to correct the mess in order to get back to where we were before discovering the mess.

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