Wednesday, October 18, 2023

(#5372) The fight for democracy is on!

      Everywhere there is a strongman trying to force tyranny on our planet is where we democracy loving patriots need to be ready to combat. Our democracy and the democracies of all the other nations in the world need to be of one mind here. Wherever democracy comes under attack is where we all come under attack. This is where being united to protect each others right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness begins. In our own nation of the United States we fought and won our right to democratic principles with the absolutely necessary help from France. Today, we are like France in that we can help other fledgling and established democracies overcome their obstacles to either firmly establish or maintain their current democracies.
     When the world is united by we the people of each of our nations is when our problems become solvable. By showing support for each other to become a we the people led planet, other problems to do with quality of life are designed with maximum efficiency. Once we have stopped the tyranny surrounding us in desperate nations is when our planet can become the focus of our attention and not the screaming noise inside some diseased minds like putin, trump, xi, and other lesser tyrannical figures. Democracy has always been the answer to the world's problems and now that the tyrants have exposed themselves through war atrocities the best solution to their deserved punishment is to defeat them and put democracy front and center into their nation's politics.
     A Marshall plan for after tyranny's defeat to align newly freed people into a system that paves the way for free and fair elections with one person having one vote. As the world moves closer to democratic principles all of us Earthlings who are not psychos will easily understand that we the human race need all of us to have a chance to be purposeful in life. My dream is that soon, very soon the world will catch on to this moment and decide that giving democracy to everyone is the greatest avenue to solving their problems and the world's problems at large. Now is the time to end tyranny everywhere so let us get this done now!

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