Tuesday, October 3, 2023

(#5357) The slow arc of justice

      Like Dr. King spoke of, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” "Change takes a long time, but it does happen"-Google.. The same can be said of the deserves both trump and putin have coming. Both are reprehensible beings for their incomprehensible behavior toward others. The same can be said of musk and his now clear hatred of those who are not like him. He couches his words to reflect the least amount of derogatory animus but the sniveling underlying prejudice is without doubt. These types of people have so far been successful in hiding their true intent but the time for that is over.
     Both trump and musk will feel the pain of resource loss while trump will feel much more once his other trials begin. What happens to putin is still uncertain but he is the most vulnerable to the worse loss of all. He has made himself an enemy of so many angry folks that his very survival is certainly in question. All of them are finding their cost/benefit equation not bent toward benefit. They have benefitted mightily from their wrangled successes but now that time is over and there will be no more successes coming to any of them. Which is appropriate since they are all the worst of what humanity has produced.
     I know that in the heart of most all people is the good that is waiting to come out so when we are faced with these types who are not like normal people we are a bit confused as to how to relate to them. They force us to react to them even when they are not trying because they do such abnormal things that fall far outside the bounds of normalcy. But react we must and united we should be in dealing with them because they do not understand anything but force against them. They are immune to shame and remorse so they are to be dealt with in a way that leaves no doubt as to our resolve that debased individuals or groups shall not profit off the goodwill of others.

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